Contact points and services for women

Gewalt gegen Frauen

Berlin is committed to gender equality and the equal participation of all women in all areas of society, irrespective of their religion, origin or migration or refugee status.

Berlin is home to a host of projects for women that offer advice, counselling and support on various issues and the chance to meet up and interact with others.

Protection against violence

There are different forms of violence that affect women in particular.


Nationwide helpline for women experiencing violence 0800 116 016
The nationwide helpline for women experiencing violence provides anonymous initial telephone and online counselling on all forms of violence around the clock, every day. Your call is free of charge, conversations can be translated into many languages.

BIG Hotline 030 611 03 00
For Berlin there is also a telephone hotline (BIG Hotline) for women experiencing violence from their (ex-)partner during their relationship or after separating. Advice and counselling can be provided anonymously and with translation support if desired. The hotline also arranges free places in women’s shelters and safehouses.

There are also many more support facilities for women affected by violence in Berlin offering advice and counselling, support and in some cases anonymous and safe accommodation, too.

Specialist counselling and intervention centres for women experiencing domestic and family violence

Counselling in cases of sexualised violence

For further information and services go to

Counselling and advice for victims of human trafficking

Women’s centres, self-help projects and networking opportunities (selection)

Education and training services, guidance on education and work

Further information and services for women

Further information and services for women, including projects for women with a migration background are available here:

The following link takes you to the information pages of the Women’s and Equal Opportunities Officers of the Berlin districts:

Further information

Regenbogenflagge in Berlin

Contact points for LGBTI refugees

Berlin is rainbow city and supports LGBTI refugees along with many projects and institutions. LGBTI refugees can get support at at lot of contact points in the city. Contact points for LGBTI refugees

Geflüchtete Kinder

Children and young people

Information on the reception, accommodation and emergency care of refugee children and young people arriving in Berlin without their parents or guardians. Children and young people