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Sunrise Ticket

Parvati 25th Anniversary Midsummer Gathering 2025

Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Parvati Records at the First Ever Parvati Gathering in Europe!
20-22 June 2025

Join us next Midsommar, near Berlin, Germany, for a landmark event—Parvati Records´ 25th anniversary gathering, our first ever in Europe. Founded 25 years ago, Parvati Records came to life with a mission to bring the pioneering underground music of Psytrance from Goa to music lovers around the world. Since then, Parvati Records has nurtured a vibrant community that has grown with us over the years.

The Solstice, celebrated in various cultures around the world, embodies the spirit of the longest day of the year—a symbol of light and renewal that echoes deeply in numerous traditions. We are gathering during this mystical time to deepen our connections and celebrate together.

With a limited capacity of just 3,000 attendees, our gathering ensures an intimate setting where every detail is lovingly crafted. This historic event is more than a celebration; it’s a reflection on our journey, an acknowledgment of our roots, and a forward-looking exploration into the future with those who share our passion.

Reserve your spot now and be part of this milestone celebration, where history, tradition, and the best of psychedelic music come together with Parvati Records and Anachron Circle.

Zusätzliche Informationen: Einlass auf das Gelände ab dem 19.06.2025, 12:00 Uhr

Hinweise zu Ermäßigungen: Welcome to the Pavarti Midsummer Gathering!

As we come together to celebrate, please note the following for a smooth experience:

- Parking: If you´re arriving by car or camper, there is a parking fee of €20.
- Walk-ins:Guests arriving without a vehicle are charged €10.
- Shuttles: To make your journey easier, we´ve arranged shuttles that will be readily available. A round-trip shuttle ticket is just €5.
- Eco Contribution: We´re dedicated to keeping our gathering green. Each guest will need to pay a €10 trash deposit to encourage a clean site.

Please remember, all payments need to be made in cash.

We can´t wait to see you and celebrate the 25th anniversary of Pavarti records together on this special weekend!

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