Aktuelle Sprache: Deutsch

The Lab: Anna Lublina - Rythm in Sediment

This research seeks to access ancestral knowledge through synchronization: a process of syncing one’s body rhythms with the rhythms of other people, objects, or environments. Emerging from archival research on different forms of shared Jewish-Muslim rhythm—Uzbeki Shashmaqam music, prayer, agricultural practices, etc.— we explore tap dance, extended vocal techniques, and live mixing to embody specific rhythms and synchronize with the worlds they emerge from. How do these rhythms from historical moments of Muslim-Jewish conviviality generate different physicalities, states, tensions or intelligences in our bodies? What can these convivial rhythms teach us in a time marked by separation and violence? We are interested in accessing (on a somatic level) the textures of coexistence in our ancestral worlds and sharing the histories that might help us navigate the increasingly divided culture of today.

By and with Anna Lublina and Samuel Hatchwell (hoyah)
Dramaturgy by Gry Tingskog

THE LAB is the artist and audience development series at ETB | IPAC. Founded by Daniel Brunet in 2003, it offers Berlin-based artists an opportunity to share their work-in-progress with an audience and receive feedback in the form of a post-performance discussion.

THE LAB accepts submissions of new work year-round. The only formal requirements are that the work is comprehensible to an English-speaking audience, the submitting artist is based in Berlin and that it has not previously been presented in public. If accepted, we can provide a brief rehearsal period in the auditorium as well as professional technical support.

To submit your work, please send an email describing your work, your collaborators and your CV to brunet @ etberlin. de

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