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The House of Bernarda Alba



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The House of Bernarda Alba

Berlin Open Theatre and Shakespeare Reloaded present an innovative reworking of Federico García Lorca's classic play, "The House of Bernarda Alba." Experience this powerful female-fronted drama like never before, performed in English and brought to life with a fresh, modern twist.

About the Play:

"The House of Bernarda Alba" follows the story of a tyrannical widow who, after the death of the family patriarch, indefinitely confines her five daughters to their home, stifling their desires and freedoms. The oppressive atmosphere leads to rising tensions, jealousy, and conflict among the daughters, especially concerning the engagement of the eldest daughter, Angustias, to the elusive Pepe el Romano.

This is a tale of power, repression, and the struggle for freedom within a strict, authoritarian household. This innovative reworking by Berlin Open Theatre and Shakespeare Reloaded infuses Lorca's timeless themes with contemporary relevance, exploring the dynamics of control and resistance in new and unexpected ways.

Künstler/Beteiligte: Olivia Cole (Regie), Ilayda Karakullukcu (Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit), Daria Khaimenok (Regieassistenz), Isabela Pauwels (Requisite), Chris Ward (Licht und Ton), Meg Zrini (Kostüm), Madison Weinhoffer (Bernarda Alba), Meg Zrini (Maria Josefa), Marijana Krstic (La Poncia), Helene Belaunde (Prudencia), Natalia Stolyarchuk (Maid), Alicia Pelz (Maid), Judit Juhasz (Angustias), Alessia Molteni (Magdalena), Maria Chotou (Amelia), Louange Mubengay (Martirio), Isabela Pauwels (Adela)

Established as a pioneering force in the English-speaking theatre scene in Germany, Berlin Open Theatre develops new productions with its unique mix of culturally diverse and international audiences in mind. With this production of 'The House of Bernarda Alba", they continue their tradition of innovative and thought-provoking performances.


Don’t miss this unique theatrical event reimagining a classic play for modern audiences. Whether you're a long-time fan of Lorca or new to his work, this performance promises to be an unforgettable experience. Reserve your tickets today.

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