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Europe 2024


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Sarah Kinsley

New York’s Sarah Kinsley is fascinated by creating imaginary worlds and alternate realities. She tries to conjure these with her music, but it requires the unlocking of one’s imagination to really go there. Sarah encourages you to try it though. We all need an escape.

To that end, Sarah’s first album is called “Escaper”, and to which world you choose to escape is ultimately your own decision. This is vibrant, bold, beautiful music that confronts death and loss, the decimation of old friendships, romantic love’s shortcomings compared to the love shared with close friends, and fraught relationships that flourished and then fizzled. It sounds hugely confident, a real body of work. “A huge way of how I get through life and pain and horrible experiences is through the creation of these spaces where you can become someone else as a distraction—as a means to solving grief,” Sarah says. She works through it all as if the centerpiece of an epic poem, with high drama melodies and huge sweeping choruses.

Laufzeit: Di, 19.11.2024 bis Mo, 25.11.2024

Alternative Veranstaltungen

Sepultura - 40 Years Farewell Tour ‘Celebrating Life Through Death’

40 YEARS FAREWELL TOUR ‘CELEBRATING LIFE THROUGH DEATH’ Sepultura has reached the end of the road and has chosen to depart via a conscious and planned death. Throughout the next 18 months we will celebrate 40 years of existence together along with our... mehrzu: Sepultura - 40 Years Farewell Tour ‘Celebrating Life Through Death’

Nächster Termin:
Sepultura + Support: Jinjer, Obituary, Jesus Piece
Freitag, 22. November 2024, 18:20 Uhr
Columbiadamm 13-21, 10965 Berlin-Kreuzberg
ab 60,00 €

XG - 1st WORLD TOUR - The first HOWL

Macht euch bereit Alphaz! XG, die extrem erfolgreiche japanische Popgruppe, hat die europäische Etappe ihrer ersten Welttournee "XG 1st WORLD TOUR The first HOWL" angekündigt. XG werden 7 Shows in ganz Europa spielen, beginnend im O2 Victoria Warehouse... mehrzu: XG - 1st WORLD TOUR - The first HOWL

Freitag, 22. November 2024, 19:30 Uhr (2 weitere Termine)
Uber Eats Music Hall
Uber Platz 2, 10243 Berlin-Friedrichshain
ab 110,50 €

The New Roses - Attracted To Danger Tour 2024

THE NEW ROSES sind Deutschlands erfolgreichster neuer Rock Act! Die THE NEW ROSES Geschichte begann 2013 im beschaulichen Rheingau. Mit dem Titelsong ihres Debütalbums „Without A Trace“ landeten Timmy Rough und seine Mitstreiter auf der Compilation... mehrzu: The New Roses - Attracted To Danger Tour 2024

Nächster Termin:
The New Roses + Special Guest: Moon Shot
Freitag, 22. November 2024, 20:00 Uhr
Hole 44 (ehemals Galaxy Club)
Hermannstraße 146, 12051 Berlin-Neukölln
ab 37,70 €

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