Aktuelle Sprache: Deutsch

Rita Bullwinkel

German Book Release – Headshot | Schlaglicht

“With language that floats like a butterfly and revelations that sting like a bee, Bullwinkel takes the gloves off teenage girlhood, leaving it splayed out in all its wonder, humor, violence, and glory.” - Oprah Daily
Join us for the German book release of Rita Bullwinkel´s acclaimed debut novel Headshot, translated as Schlaglicht. Hailed as one of 2024´s most anticipated novels by The Washington Post, NYLON, Lit Hub, and others, we will celebrate the translation into German!

Schlaglicht unfolds the compelling narratives of eight teenage girl boxers in Reno, Nevada, each fighting for the national title and grappling with their personal quests for control, perfection, and the thrill of combat.
Authored with a blend of raw emotion, ecstatic moments, and unexpected humor, Bullwinkel´s novel explores the intricate emotional landscapes of its characters.

We are thrilled to announce that Rita Bullwinkel will be present to discuss her journey in creating this novel.

She will be joined by Christiane Neudecker, who translated the novel into German and brings her own rich
experiences from the world of boxing! The discussion will be moderated by Teresa Bücker, ensuring an evening rich with insights into the themes of boxing, femininity and the challenges young female athletes face.

Join us to see how Schlaglicht casts new light on the literary and boxing worlds alike.


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Rita Bullwinkel

German Book Release – Headshot | Schlaglicht

“With language that floats like a butterfly and revelations that sting like a bee, Bullwinkel takes the gloves off teenage girlhood, leaving it splayed out in all its wonder, humor, violence, and glory.” - Oprah Daily
Join us for the German book release of Rita Bullwinkel´s acclaimed debut novel Headshot, translated as Schlaglicht. Hailed as one of 2024´s most anticipated novels by The Washington Post, NYLON, Lit Hub, and others, we will celebrate the translation into German!

Schlaglicht unfolds the compelling narratives of eight teenage girl boxers in Reno, Nevada, each fighting for the national title and grappling with their personal quests for control, perfection, and the thrill of combat.
Authored with a blend of raw emotion, ecstatic moments, and unexpected humor, Bullwinkel´s novel explores the intricate emotional landscapes of its characters.

We are thrilled to announce that Rita Bullwinkel will be present to discuss her journey in creating this novel.

She will be joined by Christiane Neudecker, who translated the novel into German and brings her own rich
experiences from the world of boxing! The discussion will be moderated by Teresa Bücker, ensuring an evening rich with insights into the themes of boxing, femininity and the challenges young female athletes face.

Join us to see how Schlaglicht casts new light on the literary and boxing worlds alike.

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