Aktuelle Sprache: Deutsch

Museum architecture by Mies van der Rohe (in English)

In der oberen Halle der Neuen Nationalgalerie

In der oberen Halle der Neuen Nationalgalerie

Public Tour in English
With the Neue Nationalgalerie, architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe created an architectural icon for the city of Berlin. What makes the building a typical Mies structure? This guided tour takes a closer look at the museum's special features and characteristics.
Participation fee including admission: € 20Participation fee with valid admission ticket (annual pass, sponsoring association, ICOM, etc.), entitlement to discount or free admission: € 10
Limited number of participants. Online booking required.

Treffpunkt: Information

Preis: 20,00 €

Anmeldung/Buchung: erforderlich

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