Aktuelle Sprache: Deutsch

Discovering Stories on Museum Sunday (in English)

In the exhibition "(Un)seen Stories. Looking, Locating, Illuminating"

Ausstellungsansicht „(Un)seen Stories. Suchen, Sehen, Sichtbarmachen“

Ausstellungsansicht „(Un)seen Stories. Suchen, Sehen, Sichtbarmachen“

Young curators invite you to take a tour of the exhibition "(Un)Seen Stories. Looking, Locating, Illuminating". Explore the background of artworks and artefacts, their biography or the secrets they have to tell. What can visible or invisible traces of objects tell us and how can we explore hidden stories?
Free of charge on Museum Sunday. Limited number of participants. Online booking is recommended.

Treffpunkt: exhibition

Preisinformationen: Free of charge on Museum Sunday.


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