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All The Rivers Workshop: “Hear Us” Language, Politics, and Beyond



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All The Rivers Workshop: “Hear Us” Language, Politics, and Beyond

with and by Samira Saraya and Neta Weiner

“Hear Us”   Language, Politics, and Beyond

Samira Saraya and Neta Weiner


one day workshop: pick your day! 

09/08/24 11:00-14:00 or

10/08/24 11:00-14:00 

The workshop will start with language as the essential raw material for the creative process, use techniques of language improvisation, association, and creative writing, and focus on the voice as an expressive tool. The participants will specifically focus on their backgrounds' sonic, verbal, and performative language to develop their creative voice. The focus on text and language provides opportunities to investigate multi-languaging and the politicization of the linguistic public sphere(s) we live in. Whenever possible, local creators in non-majority languages will be invited to participate in the workshops to open up questions of identity and struggles for social justice.

Register here 

*limited amount of participants per workshop day

*Admission donation based

Neta Weiner and Samira Saraya are an exceptional duo representing a distinctive voice in Israeli culture.

Neta is the leader and founder of the multilingual Jewish-Arab hip-hop project

System Ali is a musician and a multidisciplinary artist. Throughout the last year, "Shmuel" - a rap opera created by and starring Neta - has been sold out weeks in advance and won the Golden Hedgehog prize for best play of 2022. Neta is also responsible for the soundtrack of the much-anticipated television show "Madrase" and its theme song. His music brings together intimate reflections on life and unapologetic, fierce social commentary. His texts serve unflinching truths while never seizing to move your body. In his art, Neta juggles languages and forms of expression. The lyrics combine Hebrew, Yiddish, Arabic, and English - four languages that are at the basis of his creation.

Samira is a Palestinian-Israeli actor, writer, director, spoken word artist, and LGBTQ activist. In her early twenties, she began performing as a drag king while working as a nurse. Saraya's first career breakthrough occurred in 2011 when she landed a lead role in the booming Israeli TV show Minimum Wage. Saraya won a few awards in theater and cinema. She won the Best Script award for her short Polygraph in 2018 at TLVFest. Saraya has a graduate degree in directing from Tel Aviv University and made her directing debut with Polygraph in 2020, which features the first openly lesbian Arab character in cinema.

Weiner and Saraya have collaborated through various art, education, and activism platforms for the past decade. They shared the stage in countless concerts in Israel and abroad and led community social campaigns, educational programs, and guided tours. They were responsible for creating highly acclaimed pieces such as "Yama," which premiered at the last Israel Festival. Their connection and mutual creation are based on a deep belief in the power of cultural activism to promote change.

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