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Résultats 1 – 20 d'environ 584000 pour Migration

Berlin Immigration Office

Online application for refugees from Ukraine. Refugees from Ukraine who are permanently accommodated in Berlin can now apply online for a humanitarian residence permit at the State Office for Immigration (LEA). plus

Comprehensive Programme for the Integration and Participation ... - Berlin

The change to integration policy in district offices due to the migration of refugees .....15 2. Funding of district projects through the Integration Fund ..... 16 2.1 Most important information in brief ... plus

Welcome Center Berlin

The Welcome Center offers consultation for newcomers, immigrants, people with a migration history and people without a German passport. Find out about the entire range of advisory services. More information. Image: Jonas Holthaus. plus

The construction of the Berlin Wall

Roughly half a million people crossed the sector borders in Berlin each day in both directions, enabling them to compare living conditions on both sides. In 1960 alone, around 200,000 people made a permanent move to the West. The GDR was on the brink of social and economic collapse. plus

Booking an appointment

Informationen about Booking an appointment to apply for a residence permit. plus

Location: Berlin Immigration Office, Friedrich-Krause-Ufer

Aktuelle Hinweise zu diesem Standort. Die Online-Terminvereinbarung (OTV) des LEA steht auch in den nächsten Tagen leider nicht zur Verfügung. Dies liegt an umfangreichen und komplexen Wartungsarbeiten des ITDZ an der OTV, die länger andauern als vorauszusehen war. plus

Services and appointments

Booking an appointment. Information on appointments for applying for or extending residence titles More information. is a service of the State of Berlin. plus

Consulting offers

Is there a problem with your stay? Are you looking for advice on legal or social issues? Do you need support to return to your home country? Then the advisory services on the following page could help you. plus

Who we are

We provide support and legal advice on migration law, offer counselling on hardship cases and social services, assist with questions regarding the recognition of professional qualifications from abroad and training and further education. plus

Extending a visa or a visa-free stay

How did you enter the federal territory? With a national visa [Category D] With a Schengen visa [Category C] With a residence title of another Schengen country. Without a visa, for a short stay of no more than 90 days. back to top of page. General (Information so far only in German ) Imprint. Contact. plus


whether a visa can be renewed or another residence title issued after entry, about how and where a declaration of commitment can be submitted,, on the admission regulations of the federal state of Berlin for Afghan, Iraqi and Syrian refugees with relatives in Berlin and. plus

Partizipation in der Migrationsgesellschaft mit dem ...

Ziel des PartMigG ist es, die gleichberechtigte Teilhabe von Menschen mit Migrationsgeschichte zu fördern und durchzusetzen – in allen Bereichen des sozialen, kulturellen, ökonomischen, politischen und gesellschaftlichen Lebens in der durch Vielfalt und Migration geprägten Stadt Berlin. plus

Migrationsberatung der Berliner Wohlfahrtsverbände

Die Migrationsberatung für erwachsene Zuwanderer (ab 27 Jahre) und die Jugendmigrationsdienste (bis 27 Jahre) informieren, beraten und begleiten Sie kostenlos und vertraulich. Die Beratungen werden in diversen Sprachen angeboten. plus

Permanent residence titles

If you have had a temporary residence title (residence permit or EU Blue Card) for several years, you may be able to obtain a permanent residence title. The following are permanent residence titles: Permanent settlement permit = Niederlassungserlaubnis (with various legal bases) EU long-term residence permit = Erlaubnis zum Daueraufenthalt-EU ... plus

Services with online application or appointment booking

Appointment booking. Certificate confirming permission to reside (Aufenthaltsgestattung) – extension. Certificate confirming the temporary suspension of deportation (Duldung) – extension. Permanent residence card for family members of citizens entitled to freedom of movement from the EU (except Germany) and the EEA. plus

Landesamt für Einwanderung

Einbürgerungen durch das LEA. Das Landesamt für Einwanderung (LEA) ist seit dem 01.01.2024 die zentrale Einbürgerungs- und Staatsangehörigkeitsbehörde im Land Berlin. Weitere Informationen Bild: maxxyustas/ plus


Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, fördert das Partizipations- und Integrationsprogramm (PartIntP) für den Förderzeitraum 2023–2025 Berliner Projekte von Migrant*innenorganisationen, muslimische sowie Geflüchtetenorganisationen. plus

Services for which you can book an appointment at a citizens ...

Before you book the appointment at the citizens’ office of your choice: Please read the sections “Prerequisites” and “Responsible authority” carefully in the description of the service selected . Certificate of permanent residence. Residence permit for a foreign child born in Germany – Issuance. plus

Information for refugees from Ukraine

Does each person have to submit a separate online application? How, where and under what preconditions can I apply for a residence permit for war refugees in Berlin? I have been registered at the Arrival Centre in Tegel. Do I still have to make an online application for a residence permit? plus

Termin vereinbaren

Informationen zur Buchung oder Vereinbarung von Terminen im Landesamt für Einwanderung für die Beantragung oder Verlängerung von Aufenthaltstiteln. plus