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Station Berlin Gesundbrunnen

Station Berlin Gesundbrunnen

Information about Berlin Gesundbrunnen Station including customer service points, public transport connections and connections to BER Airport.

The train station Gesundbrunnen is located in Berlin's Wedding district. Long-distance trains as well as regional trains heading north and towards the Baltic Sea stop here. Gesundbrunnen Station also has direct links to Berlin's light rail and subway network.

Deutsche Bahn Service Point

The DB Travel Center is located in the entrance hall of Gesundbrunnen Station. The customer service point sells national and international train tickets, seasonal tickets and monthly subscriptions, as well as offers related to the BahnCard loyalty program. The staff can assist you with information on departures, ticket fares and tariffs, and supplementary services for your rail journey.

WiFi at Gesundbrunnen Station

The Deutsche Bahn offers free WiFi service at Station Berlin Gesundbrunnen. Users have to switch on their mobile device and then select the network "WIFI@DB".

Station Gesundbrunnen on the map

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Hauptbahnhof Berlin

Arrival in Berlin by Train

Information on getting to Berlin by train and about arrival at Berlin's long-distance and regional train stations.  more


Last edited: 29 June 2022

Airports & Stations in Berlin