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Von Lara Schützsack | Gewinnerinnenstück Berliner Kindertheaterpreis 2023



Every Sunday at 4 pm, Nunu goes to the playground. But no time for playing. It's the handover appointment from his mother’s home to his father’s home, from mom to dad and from dad to mom, mom to dad, mom mom, dad dad, da-mo, mo-da... week after week. Most of the time they argue, sometimes about the weather, sometimes about Nunu's clothes. Nunu is caught in the middle. The rules of the game he was playing with his step-, no bonus, well, kind of siblings just last week have changed. And when mom or dad say something to him, he sometimes doesn't understand anything. It feels as if they are speaking a different language. But Yella, the self-proclaimed superwoman or fairy godmother, who hangs out on the playground and watches everything, understands how annoying it is to be the newbie. She has moved so often that she can say goodbye in all languages and dialects. As Nunu's eighth birthday approaches, the question arises: will he celebrate with grandma and grandpa at dad's house, with sushi at mom's house or will he follow Yella's universal rule that you are only allowed to do what you feel like on your birthday?

Artists/Collaborators: Eike N.A. Onyambu (Nunu), Sarah El-Issa (Yella), Katja Hiller (Nunus Mutter), Jens Mondalski (Nunus Vater), Marius Lamprecht (Max/Mimi/Stiefmutter), Jarita Freydank (Musikerin / Yellas Mutter), Ellen Uhrhan (Regie), Sanghwa Park (Bühne und Kostüm), Robert Ssempijja (Choreografie), Omar Gabriel (Video), Henriette Festerling (Dramaturgie), Lama Ali (Theaterpädagogik)

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Die Mausefalle
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