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Wir holen uns die Nacht zurück

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Wir holen uns die Nacht zurück

Kaja and Ilvy – two girls like sisters. They grow up in the same house, they fall in love for the first time, they discover parties – and drugs. Their friendship reaches its limits when Kaja is spiralling ever deeper into the bottomless pit of drugs, and all of Ilvy’s attempts to help are in vain. When Kaja, high on drugs, disappears after a party, Ilvy and her friend Kaan embark on a search for the missing friend. In the process, they discover a part of Kaja’s life that Ilvy knew nothing about.

We’re Taking the Night Back is a road movie – wild, anarchic and breaking all the rules. It’s a play about drug addiction, co-dependency and loyalty to your friends: how can you help someone you love, without losing yourself.

With support from the multi-sector funding of the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion.

Artists/Collaborators: Nora Hoch (Autor/in)

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Next date:
Die Katze auf dem heißen Blechdach
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Deutsches Theater Berlin
Schumannstraße 13 A, 10117 Berlin-Mitte
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Next date:
Ein Mord wird angekündigt
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