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Wie ist das Wetter?

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What is the weather like?

International co-production with IYASA, Zimbabwe

While some are chatting about the weather, others are watching in bewilderment as the world's climate continues to deteriorate. The news reports on hurricanes, floods of the century and droughts.

All over the world, (young) people are getting loud and taking to the streets: What does their future look like in a world that has long been on fire? The African continent is one of the first to suffer the consequences of global warming. Zimbabwe and Germany have completely different starting points, which is why we are seeking an exchange and addressing the climate catastrophe in a global context. In doing so, the production creates an emotional access to a topic that forces us to pull together like no other. It brings together theater and visions from two countries and poses the big question of how things will continue: with us and with the earth.

In German and English language.

Artists/Collaborators: Anna Vera Kelle (Regie), Andreas A. Strasser (Ausstattung), Natascha Manthe, Justus Verdenhalven

Runtime: Tue, 16/07/2024 to Tue, 16/07/2024

IYASA, Simbabwe

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