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Vier zurück

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Vier zurück


Vier zurück

Vier zurück

One, two, three and four are back! One and Two are there for each other and do everything together. But Three doesn't join in. He says: "No, I can do it alone." And dives off under the table! But when you're hiding, you want to be found, don't you? And what's going on with Four? He still doesn't speak much, but his music tells a lot of stories and his sounds tell of both loneliness and security.
Three players and a musician are back and invite you into a world under a huge table. After "Vier sind hier" and "Vier bei dir", "Vier zurück" takes us back to a place where many things seem bigger than we are.
A musical and amusing exploration for the very youngest about the special moments when you do something on your own for the first time or when you need the others.

Artists/Collaborators: Asad Schwarz-Msesilamba (Tatu), Regine Seidler (Aidin), René Schubert (Ori), Martin Fonfara (Fimm), Sabine Trötschel (Regie), Klemens Kühn (Bühne und Kostüm), Martin Fonfara (Musik), Tobias Diekmann (Dramaturgie), Anna-Sophia Fritsche (Theaterpädagogik)

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Next date:
Ein Mord wird angekündigt
Saturday, 11/January/2025 16:00 (3 more dates)
Berliner Kriminal Theater
Palisadenstraße 48, 10243 Berlin-Friedrichshain
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von Heinrich Spörl
Saturday, 11/January/2025 19:30 (3 more dates)
Volksbühne Michendorf
Potsdamer Straße 42, 14552 Michendorf
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