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Von Jacqueline Reddington und Ensemble

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Like many teenagers, 14-year-old Luc lives digitally. He prefers to spend his time chatting with Pauline, whom he met and fell in love with on a school trip. Despite the physical distance, they want to see each other again soon. But conversations with his mates put Luc under pressure. What does it mean to be a "real" man and how do you have a first love affair? He searches for answers on the endless internet: from social media stars and fitness trainers to dating coaches, pick-up artists and porn stars. They all know how to do it. Luc's expectations of himself and Pauline rise immeasurably. The next meeting simply has to be a success! In a moment of carelessness, he sends a questionable message to Pauline instead of his mates. A conflict arises that puts their continued acquaintance to the test.

World premiere 21 March 2024

Artists/Collaborators: Marcel Herrnsdorf (Luc), Lisa Klabunde (Pauline), Jacqueline Reddington (Regie), Florian Buder (Bühne und Kostüm), Markus Rom (Musik und Sounddesign), Chloe Kelly (Video), Tobias Diekmann (Dramaturgie), Anna-Sophia Fritsche (Theaterpädagogik)

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Next date:
Dt Spezial
Monday, 28/October/2024 20:00
Deutsches Theater Berlin - Kammerspiele
Schumannstraße 13 A, 10117 Berlin-Mitte
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