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Geschichtentheater. Heute rot, morgen tot

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Story theatre. Red today, dead tomorrow

Stories of trying to cheat death

Besucherin in der Sonderausstellung "un_endlich", Akt 3 Tod - Der finale Moment. Gibt es ein Licht am Ende des Tunnels? – Besucherin in der Sonderausstellung "un_endlich", Akt 3 Tod - Der finale Moment. Gibt es ein Licht am Ende des Tunnels?

Besucherin in der Sonderausstellung "un_endlich", Akt 3 Tod - Der finale Moment. Gibt es ein Licht am Ende des Tunnels? – Besucherin in der Sonderausstellung "un_endlich", Akt 3 Tod - Der finale Moment. Gibt es ein Licht am Ende des Tunnels?

How can you cheat death? Is there a double standard for the lifespan of humans and animals? Who helps the brave girl Vasilissa when her stepsisters send her to the human-eater Baba Yaga? Death, the ultimate mystery of life, is the protagonist of many stories. For the story theatre, they are brought to the stage in Russian and German by the storytellers Valentina Dann and Silvia Freund.

Silvia Freud was born in Tyrol/Austria. She studied acting (Bühnenreifeprüfung), singing, German and Romance languages and literature in Innsbruck and graduated with a Master’s degree. She then completed her Master of Arts in Theater Pedagogy at the UdK Berlin. Freund toured with dance theaters and independent ensembles in Europe and New York, participated in scenic concerts with Transalpin and was involved in CD productions of WirKindervomKleistpark. Since 1997 she has been a lecturer in storytelling with adults/young people and in children’s projects. Her trainings take place in cooperation with theaters, universities and adult education centers (Theatertreffen der Jugend, UdK Berlin, Staatstheater Hannover) or with independent organizations (e.g. Verein ErzählKunst e.V.). Since 2008, Silvia Freund has been a narrator in the senate-funded project ErzählZeit for elementary schools and daycare centers, and since 2017 she has been a certified narrator of the VEE (Verband der ErzählerInnen e.V.). In addition, she supervises musical literature programs for children with the reading agency Eventilator and is part of multilingual as well as cross-disciplinary storytelling tandems.

Valentina Dann is a freelance storyteller. She was born in 1973 near Omsk (Western Siberia) and has been in Berlin since Оctober 1995. She completed her master’s degree in library science and Slavic studies (with Bulgarian as a second foreign language) at the Humboldt University in Berlin in 2010. She then attended the certificate course “Artistic Storytelling – Storytelling in Art and Education” at the Berlin Career College of the Berlin University of the Arts and successfully completed it in 2014. Valentina Dann grew up multilingual with German, Russian German, Russian and Ukrainian, expanded her language skills with English, Bulgarian and Georgian and now tells fairy tales and stories freely in Russian and German – with a touch of the languages she learned in addition.

- 3,00 EUR, reduced 1,50 EUR

- Book your ticket in advance online or at the box office in the Foyer.

- Ticket bookings for the coming month are activated at the end of the previous month.

- The entrance to Hall 3 is in the Schlüter Courtyard next to the Sculpture Hall.

- Duration: 30 min

- Doors open: 15 minutes before start

- Languages: German, Russian

- Ground Floor, Hall 3

Meeting point: The entrance to Hall 3 is in the Schlüterhof next to the Skulpturensaal.

Price: €3.00

Reduced price: €1.50

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Palisadenstraße 48, 10243 Berlin-Friedrichshain
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