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A theatre play by ‘Leute wie die’ in spoken and sign language (DGS) from 12 years

Mi and Mo are not in a good mood. When they want to hide from everything, the unbelievable happens: they end up in a new, completely strange world. And they are not the only ones. How did this happen and why is it so dark there? Mi, Mo and the others make their way through a bizarre world that is not so easy to find their way out of.

The new play by Leute wie die creates a shared space for young people and adults to explore the topics of mental health and depression. The play can be experienced by a deaf and hearing audience together.

Relaxed Performance

Artists/Collaborators: Paulina Güllü (Dramaturgie), Melanie Hambrecht (Audiodeskription), Declan Hurley (Bühne und Video), Wera Mahne (Regie), Alexis Mersmann (Kostüme), Esther Schneider (Produktionsleitung), Jasmin Schädler (Audiodeskription), Brice Stapelfeldt (Dramaturgie), Miles Wendt (Beratung Relaxed Performance), Nadja Duesterberg, Pia Katharina Jendreizik, Andreas Pfaffenberger, Dana Cermane

Runtime: Fri, 29/11/2024 to Sat, 30/11/2024

Production: Leute wie die. Coproduction: FFT Düsseldorf. Cooperation: Theater Strahl, Berlin and schloss bröllin e.V.

Funded by: Hauptstadtkulturfonds and Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt Berlin, Kunststiftung NRW, Karin und Uwe Hollweg Stiftung, Rudolf-Augstein-Stiftung.

FFT Düsseldorf

on 28.11. at 11 Uhr with artist talk (on demand)

on 29.11. at 11 Uhr with artist talk (on demand)

on 29.11. at 18 Uhr with audiodescription

on 30.11. at 18 Uhr with audiodescription


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