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Rückkehr nach Reims

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Returning to Reims

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    Rückkehr nach Reims

  • Rückkehr nach Reims

    Rückkehr nach Reims

  • Rückkehr nach Reims

    Rückkehr nach Reims

  • Rückkehr nach Reims

    Rückkehr nach Reims

  • Rückkehr nach Reims

    Rückkehr nach Reims

  • Rückkehr nach Reims

    Rückkehr nach Reims

  • Rückkehr nach Reims

    Rückkehr nach Reims

  • Rückkehr nach Reims

    Rückkehr nach Reims

A sound studio. An actress is recording a text. At the mixing desk a director is giving her instructions. Together they are working on the voice recording for a film which is running synchronously in the background. The protagonist of the film is the author himself, Didier Eribon, who goes on a type of journey of reminiscence. With a mixture of personal confession and sociological analysis, Eribon reports on the re-encounter with his hometown and his family which, since his career as an intellectual in Paris, he has hardly seen for decades, and has had no desire to see. In his confrontation with his own past, Eribon also comes up against the blind spots in contemporary society: the brutal exclusion mechanisms at work in the very same middle-classes to which he now belongs and the reality of a previously communist working-class which, forgotten and disenfranchised, is now running into the rightwing populist arms of the Front National. How can things have come to this? How much is the left-wing to blame, how much Eribon himself who, as an intellectual, has renounced his past? And what are the solutions? These are all questions Eribon pursues in his film as he goes on a search for clues in Reims. They are questions which also continue to trouble the director and actress during their process of finishing the film.
Thomas Ostermeier’s production of »Rückkehr nach Reims« (»Returning to Reims«) was invited to the 2018 Theatertreffen festival in Berlin. Now in a revised version and with a new cast, the play can once again be seen at the Schaubühne.

130 minutes

Artists/Collaborators: (Mitarbeit Bühne), Florian Borchmeyer (Dramaturgie), Peter Carstens (Originalton Film), Sébastien Dupouey (Kamera), Sébastien Dupouey (Filmregie), Sébastien Dupouey (Filmschnitt), Didier Eribon (Autor), Jochen Jezussek (Sounddesign), Marcus Lenz (Kamera), Stefan Nagel (Produktionsleitung Film), Nils Ostendorf (Musik), Thomas Ostermeier (Regie), Thomas Ostermeier (Filmregie), Erich Schneider (Licht), David Stöhr (Mitarbeit Regie), Nina Wetzel (Bühne und Kostüme), Maja Zade (Dramaturgie), Amewu Nove (Mit), Isabelle Redfern (Mit), Christian Tschirner (Mit)

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