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Normans Norm

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Normans Norm

a performance for everyone aged 12 and over

Normal – what does that actually mean? One thing is clear: what is »normal« needs no special explanation. Those who are »normal« don’t have to justify themselves for long. But how do our ideas of normality come about? Why do we need norms? What dynamics and tensions do they create? And what pressure do they put on our bodies and minds? 

»Normans Norm« deals with a social phenomenon by playing with the laws of physics. The theatre becomes an experiential space, the stage a disco carousel: who performs at the centre of the situation, at the pulse of the group, in the middle of our society? Who is pushed to the margins? What are our very own moves between participation and stubbornness, expectation and taboo, attribution and self-assertion? 

Come along to the funfair! Let’s take a spin on the Tagada! Together we’ll set the dancefloor of normalisation in motion and dance with and against centrifugal forces.


Sebastian Mauksch & team stage theatre for young audiences as a shared space of experience for audience and performers. With Ballhaus Ost, they have created productions such as »Warum der Hund das Fleisch durch den Fluss trägt«, »Junge Leute« and »Fennymore oder wie man Dackel im Salzmantel macht« (invitations to Augenblick Mal! and Wildwechsel 2021).

Artists/Collaborators: Antigone Akgün (Bühnenperformance), Fabian Eichner (Licht & Technische Leitung & Bühnenperformance), Josephine Fabian (Video), Frida Grubba (Kostüme), Toni Jessen (Bühnenperformance), David Lindemann (Text), Sebastian Mauksch (Künstlerische Leitung & Bühne), Vera Pulido (Bühne & Sound & Bühnenperformance), Soraya Reichl (Videoperformance & Künstlerische Vermittlung), Noël Seiß (Videoperformance), Lea Sherin (Videoperformance), Olivia Stutz (Produktionsleitung), Maria Walser (Bühnenperformance), Jutta Wangemann (Outside Eye & ÖA)

A production by Sebastian Mauksch & Team in cooperation with Ballhaus Ost. Funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion.

Alternative events

Rumpelstilzchen - Galli Theater Berlin

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Next date:
Saturday, 06/July/2024 14:00 (3 more dates)
Domäne Dahlem
Königin-Luise-Straße 49, 14195 Berlin-Zehlendorf
from €12.34

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