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Los días afuera / The Days Out There


Los días afuera / The Days Out There

Los días afuera / The Days Out There

Los días afuera / The Days Out There is a musical, a variety show, a documentary, a piece of theatre and the second part of a project that began with the film Reas, which premiered at the Berlinale in 2024. A group of cis women and trans people who were living behind bars in various Argentinian prisons, reconstructed scenes from their past lives.

The real lives of the protagonists become a fiction in which their life stories are interwoven from the point when they were released: Nacho becomes a taxi driver, Paula starts working in an illegal textile factory, Noelia becomes a sex worker again and advocates for the rights of trans people. She and the rest of the protagonists reconstruct the challenges of life after prison and share their most intimate longings. Theatre, dance and song turn into tools that help them claim a future for themselves. Which, nevertheless, remains uncertain – that’s how the future is after all. In Los días afuera / The Days Out There, Lola Arias, winner of the prestigious International Ibsen Prize in 2024, moves between voguing and cumbia melodies – an ode to freedom.

Berlin-Premiere 14/September 2024

Production Lola Arias Company / Associated producer Gema Films / Coproduced by Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin, with the support of Fonds TransFabrik – deutsch-französischer Fonds für darstellende Künste.


Composition Ulises Conti & Inés Copertino Music Inés Copertino Sound Design Ernesto Fara Choreography Andrea Servera Assistant Director Pablo Arias Garcia Production & Tour Management Emmanuelle Ossena & Lison Bellanger, EPOC productions Produktion, Administration Lola Arias Company, Mara Martínez Tour Management Lola Arias Company, Lucila Piffer Production &  Administration Argentinien Luz Algranti & Sofia Medici Technische Produktion Ezequiel Paredes Assistant Production Juan Manuel Zuluaga Bolivar Assistant Stage Design Lara Stilstein Assistent Technical Direction Facundo David Casting Talata Rodriguez (GEMA Films) Legal Advice Felix Helou Social Work Soledad Ballesteros & Matias Coria Production Lola Arias Company Coproduction Internationales Sommerfestival Kampnagel, Complejo Teatral de Buenos Aires, Festival d’Avignon, Festival d’Automne Paris, Théâtre de la Ville Paris, Comédie de Genève, Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles, Festival Tangente St Pölten - Festival für Gegenwartskultur, Theaterfestival Basel, Kaserne Basel, Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin, Nationaltheatret Oslo, Scène nationale du Sud-Aquitain, Le Parvis Scène nationale Tarbes-Pyrénées, La Rose des vents Scène nationale Lille Métropole Villeneuve-d'Ascq, NEXT Festival, Théâtre National de Strasbourg, Théâtre national de Bordeaux en Aquitaine, Zürcher Theaterspektakel, Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm, The Brighton Festival, CDN Orléans / Centre-Val de Loire, Fonds TransFabrik – deutsch-französischer Fonds für darstellende Künste Supported by Goethe Institut

Photo: Esra Rotthoff

Artists/Collaborators: Yoseli Marlene Arias, Paulita Verónica Asturayme, Carla Romina Canteros, Estefanía del Luján Hardcastle, Noelia Luciana Peréz, Ignacio Amador Rodriguez, Natal Delfino, Andy Piffer, Ulises Conti, David Seldes, Martin Borini, Andrea Servera, Bibiana Mendes

Runtime: Sat, 14/09/2024 to Sat, 14/09/2024

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