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INTERLUDE - Should I stay or should I go?

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INTERLUDE - Should I stay or should I go?

A play about leaving and staying

INTERLUDE - Should I stay or should I go? – INTERLUDE - Should I stay or should I go?

INTERLUDE - Should I stay or should I go? – INTERLUDE - Should I stay or should I go?

Interlude (translation: period; section; interlude, intermezzo) is a play about going and staying. Mel loves the sea and is afraid of houses, especially those with balconies. Her premise is that going is easy and staying is hard. However, all the things associated with going are also hard. Hurting people, for example. It's easy to sleep with someone, maybe even easier to laugh about forgetting their name. It's hard to admit to yourself that you've been lost in the anonymity of sex. It's easy to ask for someone else's absolution, it's hard to give it to yourself.

Romantic or explicitly unromantic, Mel's inner dichotomy is revealed in the face of intimacy. After all, if you were alone, without friends, family and lovers, you wouldn't have to leave anyone. It's not about right or wrong. It's about the versions of life that Mel jumps back and forth between. A life that you don't live is full of possibilities and secrets, moments that you won't experience. You know they exist, these moments. Pale, like the fading lines of a stamp that become thinner with every wash of the hands. We follow Mel on a ride between trains of thought and self-talk. She is surrounded by memories, hopes, wishes and fears - an expression of her desires. Mel's inner voice takes the form of fathers, a train servant or cities, among others. Voices that tug at her, voices that disagree, voices that search for peace. One way, like the other, is an approach with the purpose of finding access to oneself.

Despair is okay.

Mistakes are okay.

Decisions are okay.

The play by the young ensemble led by Lea Reinhardt performed very successfully in July and is now being performed again due to high demand.

Artists/Collaborators: Clara Devantie (Regieassistenz), Lea Reinhardt (Text und Regie), Henry Wiese (Video), Mona Schäfer, Sophie Witt, Helena Houssay, Leander Rennecke

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