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Zuschauerraum Neues Haus

Zuschauerraum Neues Haus

"How are things with Paul?" Marie asks. "Fine", says Karin. But that isn't true. Paul has disappeared. Wickwalz calls it "Fleeing from the Republic" and he happens to drop by more frequently now. He is nice and he asks Karin about things. Did Paul tell her anything? What did he tell her? He says that you can tell when someone you are close to is lying. And anyway, people who are in love don't leave. In her highly respected debut novel "Gittersee", Charlotte Gneuß tells the story of 16 year-old Karin who is torn from her daily life as a teenager without warning. She wakes up in a world where both truth and lies can be equally decreed by the state. A world where she soon wishes she didn't know the truth – just so she can't give it away.  CHARLOTTE GNEUß was born in Ludwigsburg in 1992 and studied social work in Dresden, literary writing in Leipzig and writing for the stage in Berlin. In her texts, she often draws towards the GDR, the reality and the utopian ideal where her parents grew up, and that no longer exists today. The piece is staged by young director Leonie Rebentisch as her first work at Neues Haus.

Artists/Collaborators: Von Charlotte Gneuß (Autor/in), Paul Herwig, Kathleen Morgeneyer, Gabriel Schneider, Veit Schubert, Irina Sulaver, Amelie Willberg, Leonie Rebentisch, Sabine Mäder, Luisa Wandschneider, Fabian Kuss, Karolin Trachte

Runtime: Thu, 31/10/2024 to Sun, 03/11/2024

Alternative events

Die Mausefalle - Berliner Kriminal Theater Berlin

Der Kriminal-Klassiker von Agatha Christie In London wird eine Frau ermordet. Der Täter ist flüchtig, die Polizei hat die Fahndung aufgenommen. An diesem Tag eröffnen Mollie und Giles Ralston ihre kleine Pension Monkswell Manor. Sie erwarten ihre ersten... moreabout: Die Mausefalle - Berliner Kriminal Theater Berlin

Next date:
Die Mausefalle
Sunday, 03/November/2024 17:00
Berliner Kriminal Theater
Palisadenstraße 48, 10243 Berlin-Friedrichshain
from €46.30

Andi Europäer von Philipp Löhle

Das Auswärtige Amt soll 2015 den Auftrag erteilt haben, Informationsveranstaltungen in ganz Afrika durchzuführen, um Afrikaner davon abzuhalten, die Flucht nach Europa anzutreten. Das Konzept war, uns Europäer so darzustellen, dass den ein besseres Leben... moreabout: Andi Europäer von Philipp Löhle

Sunday, 03/November/2024 17:00
Zimmerstraße 12b, 14471 Potsdam
from €19.00

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