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Franz Kafka: Brief an den Vater

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Franz Kafka: Letter to the Father

  • Uwe Neumann

    Uwe Neumann

  • Anette Daugardt

    Anette Daugardt

"Of all poets, Kafka is the greatest expert on power."

In a way, this sentence by Elias Canetti describes the glowing core of Franz Kafka's work, from which all other themes in his life can be derived. The confrontation with the father is a duel to the death, the son actually has no chance in this battle, he is too weak, too small, too flat-chested, but since he throws himself into this battle like David against Goliath, with all his cleverness, his perspicacity, his tenacity, with his grotesque humor - perhaps he does have something of a chance.

Anette Daugardt and Uwe Neumann play this exciting battle in their own version from different perspectives and in alternating roles.

By and with Anette Daugardt and Uwe Neumann

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Next date:
Die Katze auf dem heißen Blechdach
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Deutsches Theater Berlin
Schumannstraße 13 A, 10117 Berlin-Mitte
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Knesebeckstraße 100, 10623 Berlin-Charlottenburg
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Ein Mord wird angekündigt
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Berliner Kriminal Theater
Palisadenstraße 48, 10243 Berlin-Friedrichshain
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