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In the new piece DRAMA, a group of people work hard to sound out the opportunities and limits of the stage space in a post-pandemic time, when users have become the content of social media.

On the real stage of the theatre, it is the well-known plays that work best with audiences. Shakespeare? Sophocles? Again? In suits? The performers explore a variety of genres to merge them into an imitation of the stage genre “La Revista Argentina”, a mixture of cabaret and French glamour revue, catchy Spanish tunes, Italian humour, lots of feathers, big music show and popular comedians. “La Revista Argentina” evolved at the time of the Weimar Republic, when Buster Keaton released the film The Haunted House, in which criminals and lousy actors from a mediocre Faust production clash.

The figures in DRAMA nurture the anthropological desire to cut up popular culture in an effort to discover the arc of suspense between high art and low, and the untiring energy of the glamour dancers of the Argentinian revue of the 1920s. They perform with a spartan endurance and without the slightest gesture of pain. Robert Lippok’s musical score adds to this atmosphere, contrasting the musical referencing of pop songs.

The performers compete for the worn out attention span of audiences in the era of clickbait. But how can you compete with the never-ending spectacle of politics and news, fake or true? Drama and tragedy happen everywhere, not just on stage. Joseph Campbell’s reconciliation with his father is the root and rerun of endless heroic stories of the patriarchal kind, but is a hero’s journey perhaps just a reflection of some male director who has a father complex?

German and English with English and German surtitles

Artists/Collaborators: Candaş Baş, Emil Bordás, Carmen Burguess, Alexandra Bódi, Eleonore Carrière, Campbell Caspary, Fernanda Farah, Marie Jensen, WooSang Jeon, Simon Lesemann, Robert Lippok, Moritz Lucht, Constanza Macras, Carmen Mehnert, Thulani Lord Mgidi, Knut Vikström Precht, Hans-Hermann Schulze, Katrin Schüler-Springorum, Miki Shoji, Lucas Sofia, Shiori Sumikawa, Sabine Zielke, ok!choir, Constanza Macras (Autor/in), Candaş Baş (Von und mit), Alexandra Bódi (Von und mit), Emil Bordás (Von und mit), Campbell Caspary (Von und mit), WooSang Jeon (Von und mit), Fernanda Farah (Von und mit), Marie Jensen (Von und mit), Moritz Lucht (Von und mit), Thulani Lord Mgidi (Von und mit), Knut Vikström Precht (Von und mit), Miki Shoji (Von und mit), Shiori Sumikawa (Von und mit), Carmen Burguess (Gäste), ok!choir (Gäste), Katrin Schüler-Springorum (Live-Musik), Lucas Sofia (Live-Musik), Constanza Macras (Konzept, Regie, Choreographie), Carmen Mehnert (Dramaturgie), Simon Lesemann (Bühne), Eleonore Carrière (Kostüme), Hans-Hermann Schulze (Beleuchtung), Robert Lippok (Musik), Sabine Zielke (Dramaturgie Volksbühne)

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Die Neuerzählung von Sophokles antiker Tragödie fragt, wie das Handeln einer Einzelnen zur politischen Bewegung werden kann. Ziemlich große Fußstapfen liegen vor Ismene. Alle kennen den Namen ihrer älteren Schwester: Antigone. Antigone, die für ihre... moreabout: Antigones Vermächtnis

Friday, 27/December/2024 19:00
Theater an der Parkaue - Bühne 2
Parkaue 29, 10367 Berlin-Lichtenberg
from €18.50

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