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Performance by Alejandro Rodriguez & Dana Sánchez-Graham





Artists Alejandro Rodríguez (Mexico) and Dana Sánchez-Graham (USA/MX) perform a dance theater piece, using cumbia rhythm to showcase their skin marks as constellations. They delve into tales of love, revolution, and segregation that happened when the border between Mexico and the United States was built. “Tell me if the same wounds have pierced us.”

Artists/Collaborators: Alejandro Rodriguez, Dana Sánchez-Graham, Lide Martinez, René Gamez

Alejandro Rodriguez, mexican performer and stage director who uses performance to rediscover his origin. He works with playfulness and irony to make its context's complexity visible. Each new project allows him to generate empathy and energy that questions the establishment.

Dana Sánchez-Graham is an eternal dance of transformation; a product of diverse origins; a distinct thread within the tapestry found on the US-Mexican border. My purpose lies in deconstructing the fronteriza identity, venturing into the obscure and transformative spaces where dispossession, geography, ritual, and the shadows of violence coalesce.

Lide Martínez is a Spanish actress. Her strong interest in a theater has led her to approach performance art from different areas and styles. She lives in Berlin, where she continues her education at Arthaus.Berlin.

René Gamez, Mexican musician and founding producer of the electropical music Netlabel “Kumbale”, an independent label focused on establishing an intercultural bridge of underground musical culture between Latin America and the Caribbean with Europe. In recent years he has developed production, curatorial and post-production work at music festivals throughout Europe and freelance work on public radio in Germany.

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