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Coo coo, no blood is in the shoe. The shoe is not too small He will take the right bride to the wedding hall. Cinderella marries the prince and moves with him into the castle happily in love. Her two stepsisters are left sitting by the side of the road, asking themselves why everything turned out the way it did. Why Cinderella found true love and all they got was an old suitcase and their doll house from back then. Using their dolls and a big dose of humor, the two them tell the fairytale of Cinderella in whole new way. Hinweise zur Barrierefreiheit: Informationen zur baulichen Barrierefreiheit des Spielorts finden Sie hier.

Text, performance, direction, puppet design Alexandra Kaufmann, Eva Kaufmann Artistic collaboration Sven Mathiasen Stage design, Ligthing concept Werner Wallner

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Next date:
von Jordi Galceran
Friday, 20/December/2024 19:30 (1 more date)
Volksbühne Michendorf
Potsdamer Straße 42, 14552 Michendorf
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Next date:
Einmal Spandau mit Alles
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Müllerstraße 163 A (Eingang Burgsdorfstraße), 13353 Berlin-Wedding
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