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She She Pop

That's bullshit: slang for something that's false, discredited, nonsense. Or something that is made up, fake, misleading, a deception.On an empty stage, She She Pop find themselves as salespeople in the endless loop of a sales show. Everything's on offer. On and on goes the search for something they can still put a value on, only to sell it off. Can they still grasp reality with their senses, describe it with words? Can it still be saved? Can anything withstand the clearance? She She Pop have lost their orientation. The central perspective – which taught them how to focus on any goal – has dissolved. Along with the audience, the performers find themselves in a state of free fall. There's a a schism between events and the words that describe them. And into this abyss they fall deeper and deeper.In “Bullshit”, She She Pop courageously confront the loss of a shared reality. They acknowledge that they know nothing, that even the poetic reality of the theatre space has been affected. So they try to leave the bubble of their perception to take on other proportions, to see other colors, to communicate like a bat with sonar, and to find themselves in absolute darkness. Embracing uncertainty, they dedicate themselves to unlearning and to imagining different ways of seeing. Can they succeed in creating a positive experience out of the chaos, in finding meaning in randomness, in creating sense in the confusion of possibilities – or, as a last resort, in declaring bankruptcy to be a comedy?

approx. 100 mins.

Artists/Collaborators: She She Pop (Konzept, Idee), Sebastian Bark (Von und mit), Johanna Freiburg (Von und mit), Lisa Lucassen (Von und mit), Mieke Matzke (Von und mit), Ilia Papatheodorou (Von und mit), Berit Stumpf (Von und mit), Rodrigo Zorzanelli (Künstlerische Mitarbeit), Benjamin Krieg (Director of Photography, Videoinstallation), L Wilson-Spiro (Beratung videotechnisches Design), Philine Rinnert (Raum), Lea Søvsø (Kostüm), Margarita Rozhkova (Mitarbeit Kostüm), Michael Lentner (Lichtdesign), Claes Schwennen (Technische Leitung), Santiago Blaum (Musik, Sounddesign, Klanginstallation), Manuel Louis Horstmann (Ton, Mitarbeit Sounddesign), Santiago Blaum (Live-Sound-Mix), Manuel Louis Horstmann (Live-Sound-Mix), Lidiia Golovanova (Dramaturgische Beratung), Neïtah Janzing (Hospitanz), PANTHEA (Englische Live-Übersetzung), Pingpong Translation & Subtitling (Audiodeskription), ehrliche arbeit – freies Kulturbüro (PR & Kommunikation), Tina Ebert (Kommunikation), Tina Ebert (Produktion), Aminata Oelßner (Produktion), Elke Weber (Produktion), Aminata Oelßner (Company Management), Elke Weber (Company Management)

Alternative events

Noises off (Der nackte Wahnsinn)

It is the night before the opening. The dress rehearsal of "Noises Off" is in full swing. Nothing works; the actors don't know their lines and the plates of sardines are always in the wrong place. The director is on the verge of a nervous breakdown, the... moreabout: Noises off (Der nackte Wahnsinn)

Next date:
Der nackte Wahnsinn
Friday, 01/November/2024 19:30 (1 more date)
Berliner Ensemble - Großes Haus
Bertolt-Brecht-Platz 1, 10117 Berlin-Mitte
from €19.44

Endloser Sommer

BT BÜRGERBÜHNE ENDLOSER SOMMER EINE AUTOBIOGRAPHISCHE SPURENSUCHE NACH DEM GEFÜHL VON DAMALS „Weißt du noch, damals …?“ Menschen schwelgen gerne in Erinnerungen. „Nein, keine Ahnung“ müsste die Antwort eigentlich lauten. Denn was wir wirklich erlebt... moreabout: Endloser Sommer

Next date:
BT Bürgerbühne
Friday, 01/November/2024 19:30 (1 more date)
Brandenburger Theater, Studiobühne
Grabenstraße 14, 14776 Brandenburg an der Havel
from €16.40

Andi Europäer von Philipp Löhle

Das Auswärtige Amt soll 2015 den Auftrag erteilt haben, Informationsveranstaltungen in ganz Afrika durchzuführen, um Afrikaner davon abzuhalten, die Flucht nach Europa anzutreten. Das Konzept war, uns Europäer so darzustellen, dass den ein besseres Leben... moreabout: Andi Europäer von Philipp Löhle

Friday, 01/November/2024 19:30 (2 more dates)
Zimmerstraße 12b, 14471 Potsdam
from €19.00


Sie rocken mit ungebremster Power und präsentieren eine rasante Show, die fasziniert, verzaubert und begeistert. Aus Beatbox, Breakdance, Akrobatik und einigem mehr mixen sie ein einzigartiges Spektakel. Die 3 Performer aus 3 Nationen, ausgebildet an... moreabout: TRIDICULOUS – DIE SHOW

Next date:
Tridiculous – Die Show
Friday, 01/November/2024 20:00 (1 more date)
Pfefferberg - Theater
Schönhauser Allee 176, 10119 Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg
from €31.35

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