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Bubble Jam - Rimini Protokoll

Von Daniel Wetzel, Rimini Protokoll

Rimini Protokoll is showing its first production for young people at GRIPS, turning them into active participants in the game and illuminating the influences of digital space on our decision-making processes.

  • Bubble Jam - Rimini Protokoll

    Bubble Jam - Rimini Protokoll

  • Bubble Jam - Rimini Protokoll

    Bubble Jam - Rimini Protokoll

  • Bubble Jam - Rimini Protokoll

    Bubble Jam - Rimini Protokoll

  • Bubble Jam - Rimini Protokoll

    Bubble Jam - Rimini Protokoll

  • Bubble Jam - Rimini Protokoll

    Bubble Jam - Rimini Protokoll

  • Bubble Jam - Rimini Protokoll

    Bubble Jam - Rimini Protokoll

  • Bubble Jam - Rimini Protokoll

    Bubble Jam - Rimini Protokoll

  • Bubble Jam - Rimini Protokoll

    Bubble Jam - Rimini Protokoll

  • Bubble Jam - Rimini Protokoll

    Bubble Jam - Rimini Protokoll

Who is on the other end of the internet? How does an algorithm work? Who or what gives us instructions? And what is “fake” here? Bubble Jam is a game platform on whose server test players connect via smartphones that they are equipped with. They follow the chat of the developers located elsewhere and answer their instructions and questions for a perfect Bubble Jam round: What should it be about? About nightmares? Friends you have never seen? Photos that suddenly pop up? About, what kind of “person” you are? Or how life goes on? Bubble Jam measures reactions and uses this to determine who has to discuss what with whom. The voting results are used to derive questions that are now to be dealt with, first and foremost: Who plays? And who will be played with?

Duration: 1h 20 min (keine Pause)
German premiere: 23.10.2019

Artists/Collaborators: Daniel Wetzel (Regie), Nikolas Hanakoulas (Text), Dido Gkogkou (Raum), Guy Stefanou (Licht), Dimitris Trakas (ViRA) (Softwaresystem Design und Implementierung), Lambros Pigounis (Sounddesign), Dido Gkogkou (Logo), Nikolas Hanakoulas (Projektkoordination), Kristin Brechler (Raumdesign Assistenz), Iliana Kaladami (Assistenz Raum), Carolin Jehn (Mitarbeit Herstellung Bodentuch (GRIPS)), Giorgos Panagiotakis (Text), Daniel Wetzel (Text), Renia Papathanasiou (Grafik), Dimitris Trakas (ViRA) (Grafik), Stefanos Siminelakis (Assistenz Sound), Andreas G. Andreou (Dramaturgie Script-Coding), Florentina Bakomitrou (Beratende Psychologin), Yalena Kleidara (Produktionsleitung), Christina Tischler (Mitarbeit Produktionsleitung), Zoi Wetzel (Mitarbeit dt. Fassung), Martin Schwemin (Technische Leitung), Ute Volknant (Dramaturgie (GRIPS)), Anna-Sophia Fritsche (Theaterpädagogik (GRIPS)), Anna Machmer (Produktionsleitung (GRIPS)), Jerry Geiger (Technische Leitung (GRIPS)), Kostis Kapidakis (Dramaturgie Script-Coding), Juliane Männel (Produktionsleitung), Jelena Bosanac (Am GRIPS Theater mit (alternierend)), René Schubert (Am GRIPS Theater mit (alternierend)), Maja Zećo (Am GRIPS Theater mit (alternierend)), Erik Veenstra (Produktionsleitung Wiederaufnahme (GRIPS) & Operator (alternierend)), Marius Zoschke (Operator (alternierend), Mitarbeit Herstellung Bodentuch (GRIPS)), Josefine Ketelsen (Mitarbeit Herstellung Bodentuch (GRIPS))

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