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Wireless to Heaven

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Wireless to Heaven

Kabarettkonzert über eine Zeit, in der wir dachten, Technologie könne uns retten

Iñigo Giner Miranda

Iñigo Giner Miranda

In a humorous journey through time, the ensemble for new music theatre DieOrdnungDerDinge explores the life, music and zeitgeist of the 1920s, when radio began to change the world. The documentary cabaret discovers numerous similarities to current social issues that go hand in hand with the development of artificial intelligence.

The documentary concert cabaret focuses on the revolutionary power of technical progress, then as now accompanied by hopes and fears. Using the example of radio, which brought the sounds of the world live into living rooms for the first time 100 years ago, DieOrdnungDerDinge focuses on the private and social effects of technological change and retraces utopian and dystopian visions of the future of the time that have long since (not all) been fulfilled.

Inspired by radio broadcasts, newspaper articles, diary entries and sounds from the 20s of the last century, the ensemble develops hybrid works that use AI to further develop old text, sound and visual material and bring it to the stage. A look back at the golden party decade of the last century, which was accompanied by hyperinflation and the rise of the Nazi regime, is unexpectedly linked to today's social dynamics, which have numerous parallels.

In the musical cabaret, a playful dialogue between past and present emerges, interweaving art forms and realities of the 20s of this and the last century: AI meets jazz, chanson or folk songs, opinions from back then meet statements from today and the shadows of then fall over hunches of today.

---The versatile Berlin ensemble DieOrdnungDerDinge was founded in 2011 by the actors and musicians Iñigo Giner Miranda, Vera Kardos and Cathrin Romeis. Together they are dedicated to developing new forms of music theater in a highly visual, often playful way. Their compositions of sound, language, objects, light and movement create music that only comes to life through the balanced arrangement of all elements. Visible sounds and audible images give rise to poetic music theater that opens up new worlds of perception with wit, irony and philosophical undertones.

Artists/Collaborators: Àngela Ribera Adrover (Ausstattung), Guillem Borràs (Dramaturgie & Recherche), Nora Gores (Presse- & Öffentlichkeitsarbeit), Quiet City Films, Paul Holdsworth (Dokumentation), Gustav Kleinschmidt (Zwek) (Licht & Technische Leitung), Cathrin Romeis (Cello, Performance) Iñigo Giner Miranda (Klavier, Performance) Vera Kardos (Geige, Performance) Jone Bolibar Nuñez (Klarinette) Alba Gentili- Tedeschi (Klavier) Mathilde Conley (Trompete) Martin Lorenz (Schlagzeug) (Musik & Performance), Iñigo Giner Miranda (Arrangements), Iñigo Giner Miranda (Konzept), Ayako Toyama (Künstlerische Produktionsleitung), Ignacio Villa (Klanggestaltung), total italic (Grafikdesign)

A production by DieOrdnungDerDinge in cooperation with Theater im Delphi. Funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion and the Performing Arts Fund with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media. Media partner is taz.die tageszeitung.

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