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The Whole Truth About Lies

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The Whole Truth About Lies


What is the whole truth about lies? Where can it be found and what is revealed when it is exposed? In this era of artificial intelligence and social networks, whoever searches for the truth about lies will often find it residing in the paradoxical – or in the theatre.

In their Berlin premiere, NICO AND THE NAVIGATORS explore this abstract entity, which unfurls very concrete, often catastrophic power in both the personal and the political. Truth appears as a healing and harmful tool in human interaction, as a revealing or seductive force. The lie, on the other hand, acts as its antidote. Is it possible that we need lies because we are unable live with pure truth? Are little white lies mere venial sins or do they spark an avalanche that buries us?

Between baroque and pop, and song, dance and text, the NAVIGATORS search for the ‘Whole Truth about Lies’. They combine the old 19th-century theatrical illusion ‘Pepper's Ghost’ with current AI technology, blurring the boundaries between real bodies and fake images. The horizontal tilts into the vertical and avatars dance with their humans. Perhaps the truth about lies is situated somewhere in the middle – between ‘Gimme some Truth’ and ‘Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies’.

Artists/Collaborators: Nicola Hümpel (Regie), Paul Hübner (Musikalische Leitung), Tobias Weber (Musikalische Beratung), Oliver Proske (Technische Leitung und Bühne), Diego Muhr , Robin Plenio (Video), Andreas Hillger (Dramaturgie), Yui Kawaguchi (Choreographische Leitung), Talea Nuxoll (Künstlerische Mitarbeit), Belinda Masur, Nicola Hümpel , Marie Akoury (Kostüm), Sebastian Reuter (Ton), Torsten Podraza (Licht), Peyee Chen (Sopran), Andrew Munn (Bass), Yui Kawaguchi, Martin Buczko , Florian Graul (Tanz und Choreografie), Annedore Kleist, Patric Schott (Schauspiel), Anne-Sophie Bereuter (Violine), Jo Ambros (E-Gitarre und Gitarre), Mathis Bereuter (Klavier und Keyboard), Paul Hübner (Trompete), Lucas Johnson (Schlagzeug, Effekte und Synthesizer), Sonja Winkler (Bühnenassistenz), Theresa Steinbeis (Dramaturgieassistenz), Leonie Schirra, Franziska K. Huhn, Talea Nuxoll (Produktion)

A production by NICO AND THE NAVIGATORS and the Schwetzingen SWR Festival, funded by the Capital Cultural Fund and the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. In co-operation with the Radialsystem.

Media partners: The Berliner, Rausgegangen, tip Berlin, taz. die tageszeitung.

On the performance evenings, the audience will have the opportunity to explore the boundaries of reality for themselves: Dancer and choreographer Yui Kawaguchi will give an insight into her unique augmented reality dance works, which are based on the ‘Magic Loop’ software for AR glasses specially developed by NICO AND THE NAVIGATORS and Löhn Digital and were exhibited for a year at the German Dance Archive in Cologne. This year, the AR glasses will be put into operation for the last time before they are deactivated by the manufacturer at the end of 2024.

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Thursday, 12/December/2024 18:30
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