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Weekend Tips: What to Do This Weekend in Berlin
December 20 - 22, 2024: Events, concerts, exhibitions and more things to do for your perfect weekend in Berlin. more
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© dpa
December 20 - 22, 2024: Events, concerts, exhibitions and more things to do for your perfect weekend in Berlin. more
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The colorful and thrilling experience show! The connection between the audience and Blue Man is always intense, deep and surprising. During the show as well as before and after. moreabout: Blue Man Group
Egal ob Du glaubst oder nicht, die Magie baut dein Leben auf. Wir laden Dich ein diese Thema zusammen mit Lion Badree zu untersuchen. Sitz Dich einfach in deinen Sessel, öffne Deine Augen und pass auf. moreabout: Magic Philosophy Show bei Lion Badree
"Falling in Love" is the new Grand Show at the Friedrichstadt-Palast Berlin. The show was curated and visually designed by star designer Jean Paul Gaultier. moreabout: Falling in Love - Grand Show
Im weißen Rössl - Singspiel in drei Akten moreabout: Im weißen Rössl
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