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Friedrichstadt-Palast: FRIDA & FRIDA - Young Show

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Frida & Frida

Frida & Frida is a fun-loving and visually impressive Young Show by Friedrichsstadt-Palast, which also deals with topics such as illness and worries in a child-friendly and sensitive way.

Young Show Frida & Frida

Young Show Frida & Frida

What is it about? Frida is who she is and does what she wants. When she falls ill and has to spend a long time in hospital, she is mocked by her classmates. All alone in her hospital room, she brings a magical best friend to life in her imagination - and names her beast Frida too. The imaginary Frida is actually a version of herself, only free of restrictions and always cheerful.

Soon the boundaries between reality and daydreams become blurred in Frida's blossoming imagination. Together with the other young patients on the ward, the resilient Medi-Kids, Frida embarks on adventurous mental journeys. And with every step she takes, Frida discovers more of her hidden superpowers.

Frida & Frida is a fun-loving and visually impressive young show that deals with topics such as illness and worries in a child-friendly and sensitive way. Together with the 100 young artists on stage, our young guests in the auditorium experience that they can overcome challenges and that they have true superpowers: self-confidence, imagination, humor and confidence.

The new production is inspired by Frida Kahlo's childhood, who suffered from polio as a young girl. But she did not let this stop her and later became a world-famous Mexican icon. A tribute that Frida herself would have loved: all made up and yet with real references. And full of joie de vivre and unshakeable strength.

The Young Shows at the Palast set standards throughout Europe. Over 100 young talents aged between 6 and 18 are artistically involved in every performance. The young ensemble is the largest of its kind in Europe, consisting of around 240 children and teenagers from over 20 different nations.

Runtime: Thu, 21/11/2024 to Fri, 31/01/2025

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