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Weekend Tips: What to Do This Weekend in Berlin
December 20 - 22, 2024: Events, concerts, exhibitions and more things to do for your perfect weekend in Berlin. more
Badstraße 41a, 13357 Berlin-Wedding
© dpa
December 20 - 22, 2024: Events, concerts, exhibitions and more things to do for your perfect weekend in Berlin. more
The project explores metamorphosis amidst the backdrop of ecological collapse, confronting an entrenched anthropocentric ethos of extractivism. Envisioning symbiotic coexistence - incorporated in an organic sculpture -costume and movement structures... moreabout: XXX|||\\\
Group behavior shapes us. We protect and organize ourselves into different groups, leisure clubs, in communities of states and unions. But what happens if an individual recognizes their sense of self? What happens then? Choreographer Ceren Oran, together... moreabout: Schön anders
Zwei junge Alphatiere in einem atemlosen Wettkampf um Aufmerksamkeit: Brust raus, Schultern breit, Gefieder gespreizt! Der richtige Paarungsruf muss gefunden und aus buntem Plastikmüll das schönste Kostüm kreiert werden, vor allem aber muss der beste... moreabout: BIRDS OF PARADISE
Three dancers are on the stage. Two are lying on top of each other; a third, wearing a bizarre fur costume, is sitting motionless beside them. Prisma starts gently with the dancer in the fur costume making slight movements, instantly capturing the children’s... moreabout: PRISMA
As part of its 9th International Encounter for Young Dance Artists "How to dance in times of crisis?" in Berlin from December 20, 2024 to January 5, 2025, the Initiative LUNA PARK is now realizing the collective performance format LUNAPARK.works for the... moreabout: LUNAPARK.works 06
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