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Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer

Bernauer Straße 111, 13355 Berlin-Wedding

More information about the venue: Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer


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  • Address Bernauer Straße 111, 13355 Berlin-Wedding

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Everyday life in the GDR

Mahmoud Dabdoub's pictures are everyday and street photographs of a world that no longer exists today. Dabdoub came to the GDR from Lebanon in 1981 and studied photography at the Academy of Visual Arts in Leipzig. In the following five years, he shot... moreabout: Everyday life in the GDR

1961 | 1989. The Berlin Wall

On 420 square meters the exhibition is dedicated to the history of the division of Berlin. It explains the political-historical background from the building of the Wall to the fall of the Wall and reunification. How did the Wall come to be built? Why... moreabout: 1961 | 1989. The Berlin Wall

Geisterbahnhöfe im geteilten Berlin

Musik der Versöhnung

An der ehemaligen Versöhnungskirche, einem Ort von historischer Bedeutung, erklingt Musik, um den Frieden im einstigen Grenzstreifen zu fördern. Als Kooperationspartner der Evangelischen Kirchengemeinde Versöhnung unterstützen wir als Stiftung Berliner... moreabout: Musik der Versöhnung

Sunday, 07/July/2024 18:00 (2 more dates)
Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer
Bernauer Straße 111, 13355 Berlin-Wedding

Overview tour in English

Bernauer Strasse was a focal point of Germany’s division. The Berlin Wall Memorial commemorates this period in history. The memorial includes the monument, completed in 1998 and designed out of a largely preserved section of the border fortifications;... moreabout: Overview tour in English

Saturday, 27/July/2024 15:00
Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer
Bernauer Straße 111, 13355 Berlin-Wedding

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