Price: €10.00 Reduced price: €3.00 moreabout: Vollmondführung
Dates, information and advance booking of tickets for almost all events in Berlin. For many performances you can choose your seat in the seating plan.
9 events
Price: €10.00 Reduced price: €3.00 moreabout: Vollmondführung
Price: €10.00 Reduced price: €3.00 moreabout: Sagen und Mythen aus dem Nikolaiviertel
The jazz pianist, composer and organist plays sensitive interpretations on the organ in the Museum Nikolaikirche. Kersthold's musical performance builds a bridge from the past to the future and promises to surprise the audience. The music invites a dialogue... moreabout: Organ performance with Johannes Kersthold
Die Führung durch die Ausstellungen „Koloniale Gespenster – Widerständige Geister. Kirche, Kolonialismus und darüber hinaus“ und „Eingeschrieben. Kolonialismus, Museum und Widerstand“ gibt Einblicke darin, wie die Nikolaikirche und das Stadtmuseum Berlin... moreabout: „Dekoloniale – what remains?!“: Guided tour through the exhibitions in the Nikolaikirche
Price: €10.00 Reduced price: €3.00 moreabout: Sagen und Mythen aus dem Nikolaiviertel
Dauerausstellung im Museum Nikolaikirche über die Geschichte des mittelalterlichen Bauwerks und der Stadt. Das Museum Nikolaikirche erschließt mit einer anschaulichen Präsentation historischer Ausstattungsstücke die früheren Funktionen des Bauwerks. Verschiedene... moreabout: Berlin’s Middle
Free guided tour of the permanent exhibition: immerse yourself in the city's past in a Berlin landmark! What was the significance of Berlin's oldest preserved church building in the past? What do the remains of the foundations of the late Romanesque... moreabout: Where Berlin began
On November 14, 2024, the model project Dekoloniale Memory Culture in the City and the Stadtmuseum Berlin will open their decentralized exhibition “Dekoloniale – what remains?!”. It explores Berlin’s centuries-long entanglement in the global history of... moreabout: Dekoloniale – what remains?!
Price info: 7 euros (single ticket) | 15 euros (combined ticket*) | free admission (under 18s or with concession * Applies to our three museums in the Nikolai Quarter (Museum Nikolaikirche, Museum Ephraim-Palais, Museum Knoblauchhaus) on two consecutive... moreabout: Conceiving Architecture
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