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67 events

Encounters. Non-European Arts and Crafts in the Collection of the Kunstgewerbemuseum

In June 2022, a new intervention was introduced to the permanent exhibition of the Kunstgewerbemuseum. A small display between the Rococo and the Baroque sections features some 50 exhibits that were previously locked away in the museum’s storage facilities:... moreabout: Encounters. Non-European Arts and Crafts in the Collection of the Kunstgewerbemuseum


Feiern Sie mit uns den großen Kabarett-Abend! Sie sind nicht in Feierlaune? Das wird sich ändern: Die „Leipziger Pfeffermühle“ feiert Geburtstag, den 70sten! Siebzig Jahre herzhaftes Lachen, gepfefferte Kritik und feine Satire. Vor- und Nachdenken auf... moreabout: "IN LABOR GAUDI"

Saturday, 09/November/2024 19:30
Bürgerhaus Neuenhagen
Hauptstraße 2-4, 15366 Neuenhagen bei Berlin
from €28.00


With VIEW.POINT.MARY, Cranky Bodies a/company celebrate Mary Overlie, the original anarchist of postmodern dance. Her legendary horizontal laboratory is created in the landscape of EDEN Studio 300, where dance, sound, costume and sculpture move in ever-changing... moreabout: VIEW.POINT.MARY

Next date:
Thursday, 31/October/2024 19:00 (3 more dates)
Dock 11 - Eden
Breite Straße 43, 13187 Berlin-Pankow
from €18.02


Die nahe Zukunft: In einem klaustrophobischen Wohn- und Laborprojekt arbeiten Programmierer:innen Tag und Nacht an der künstlichen Superintelligenz Dave. Sie soll für die angeschlagene Menschheit alles zum Besseren wenden. moreabout: EN_DAVE

Next date:
Thursday, 31/October/2024 20:00
Deutsches Theater Berlin - Box und Bar
Schumannstraße 13 A, 10117 Berlin-Mitte
from €20.40

View.Point.Mary | Cranky Bodies a/company

Mit VIEW.POINT.MARY feiert Cranky Bodies a/company Mary Overlie, die originelle Anarchistin des postmodernen Tanzes. In der Landschaft des EDEN Studios 300 entsteht ihr legendäres, horizontales Labor, wo sich Tanz, Sound, Kostüm und Skulptur in immer... moreabout: View.Point.Mary | Cranky Bodies a/company

Sunday, 03/November/2024 16:00
Dock 11 - Eden
Breite Straße 43, 13187 Berlin-Pankow
from €18.02


ZEKE haben sich mit ihrem schnoddrigen Hardcore-Punk einen Namen gemacht. ZEKE wurde 1993 in der Originalbesetzung Blind Marky Felchtone, Donny Paycheck, Mark Pierce und Dizzy Lee Roth gegründet. Die erste Veröffentlichung der Band war 1993 die Single... moreabout: Zeke

Next date:
+ Support
Saturday, 19/October/2024 20:30
Roadrunner's Paradise
Saarbrücker Straße 24, 10405 Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg
from €25.50

Humboldt Laboratory - After Nature - Inclusive guided tour in simple language

How are climate change, working conditions in a textile factory in Bangladesh and the extinction of insects in the Uckermark region connected? What does science have to do with our own lives? moreabout: Humboldt Laboratory - After Nature - Inclusive guided tour in simple language

Friday, 27/September/2024 16:00
Humboldt Forum
Schloßplatz, 10178 Berlin-Mitte

Turbo Pascal: Faith Fiction

With Faith Fiction, Turbo Pascal opens a laboratory for contemporary faith between techno club and temple, religious heritage, transcultural influences and spiritual science fiction. The performers of Turbo Pascal all experienced belonging to a monotheistic... moreabout: Turbo Pascal: Faith Fiction

Next date:
Faith Fiction
Friday, 18/October/2024 20:30 (3 more dates)
Sophiensaele - Festsaal
Sophienstraße 18, 10178 Berlin-Mitte
from €15.00

Humboldt Labor - After nature - family guided tour in German language

How does a school of fish actually work? How can you reconstruct an entire prehistoric animal from a fossilized footprint? What does science have to do with our own lives? moreabout: Humboldt Labor - After nature - family guided tour in German language

Sunday, 29/September/2024 14:00
Humboldt Forum
Schloßplatz, 10178 Berlin-Mitte

HUMBOLDT LABOR. After nature - Guided tour in German Sign Language (DGS)

How are climate change, working conditions in a textile factory in Bangladesh and the extinction of insects in the Uckermark region connected? What does science have to do with our own lives? The opening exhibition "After Nature" at the Humboldt Laboratory... moreabout: HUMBOLDT LABOR. After nature - Guided tour in German Sign Language (DGS)

Saturday, 26/October/2024 15:00
Humboldt Forum
Schloßplatz, 10178 Berlin-Mitte

HUMBOLDT LABORATORY. After Nature. Overview tour in German language on Museum Sunday

How are climate change, working conditions in a textile factory in Bangladesh and the extinction of insects in the Uckermark region connected? What does science have to do with our own lives? The inaugural exhibition "After Nature" at the Humboldt Laboratory... moreabout: HUMBOLDT LABORATORY. After Nature. Overview tour in German language on Museum Sunday

Sunday, 06/October/2024 16:00
Humboldt Forum
Schloßplatz, 10178 Berlin-Mitte

Humboldt Labor - Discover man and nature

How does a school of fish actually work? How does the hand of a 19th century chimpanzee end up in a Berlin museum? moreabout: Humboldt Labor - Discover man and nature

Blown Away: the Palace of the Republic

Loved and hated, admired and reviled, disappeared and remembered: where the Humboldt Forum stands today was once the site of the Palace of the Republic, a representative building of political power in the GDR. moreabout: Blown Away: the Palace of the Republic

Berlin Global

Yesterday, today, tomorrow: much of what happens in Berlin has an impact on the world. And much of what happens in the world affects Berlin. Berlin Global shows how the city and its people are connected to the world. moreabout: Berlin Global

Armaments industry and forced labor

Armaments industry and forced labor Industrial walk with Björn Berghausen On the road in Reinickendorf 28.04.2024 10 am Tegel's economic and industrial history is inextricably linked with the name Borsig: No other industrial settlement in the later... moreabout: Armaments industry and forced labor

Sunday, 29/September/2024 10:00
Historischer Ort Krumpuhler Weg
Billerbecker Weg 123A, 13507 Berlin-Reinickendorf

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