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100+ events

Public guided tour | 100 years Museum Spandau

Join us on a tour of the exhibition and learn exciting facts about the history of the museum from its beginnings to the present and the future. Booking: without registration moreabout: Public guided tour | 100 years Museum Spandau

Sunday, 03/November/2024 11:00 (2 more dates)
Zitadelle Spandau
Am Juliusturm 64, 13599 Berlin-Spandau

Climate change in historic gardens

The starting point for the research project on climate change in historic gardens was the drought years of 2018-2020, which triggered the dramatic loss of old park trees, which is still increasing exponentially. Since then, thousands of trees have been... moreabout: Climate change in historic gardens

Friday, 27/September/2024 17:00
Schlossgarten Glienicke
Königstraße 36 A, 14109 Berlin-Zehlendorf


Bei uns müsst Ihr nicht viele Kilometer zurücklegen, um in entfernte Länder zu gelangen. Manchmal reicht es, die Ohren zu öffnen und unbekannte außereuropäische Instrumente zu hören, um eine Vorahnung davon zu bekommen, wie reich unsere Welt an Klängen,... moreabout: KlangKüken

Saturday, 03/May/2025 14:30 (2 more dates)
Konzerthaus Berlin - Werner-Otto-Saal
Gendarmenmarkt, 10117 Berlin-Mitte

Tracey Snelling: How We Live

In her model-like reconstructions of existing buildings, Tracey Snelling examines the social relationships of the individuals living in them. moreabout: Tracey Snelling: How We Live

Future prospects | The “Heimatkundliche Vereinigung Spandau 1954 e.V.” as a support organisation for the Spandau Museum

Head of the collection Carmen Mann in conversation with Ina Bittroff (First Chairwoman of the “Heimatkundliche Vereinigung Spandau 1954 e.V.”) about the history of the association founded in 1954 under the name “Kreis der Freunde und Förderer des Heimatmuseums... moreabout: Future prospects | The “Heimatkundliche Vereinigung Spandau 1954 e.V.” as a support organisation for the Spandau Museum

Thursday, 21/November/2024 18:00
Zitadelle Spandau
Am Juliusturm 64, 13599 Berlin-Spandau

European Restoration Day

Every year, on the third Sunday in October, Europe celebrates Restoration Day. Studios and construction sites open their doors so that you can get to know examples of current conservation and restoration projects. Restoration is an important discipline... moreabout: European Restoration Day

Sunday, 20/October/2024 13:30 (1 more date)
Musikinstrumentenmuseum - Ben-Gurion-Straße
Ben-Gurion-Straße, 10785 Berlin-Tiergarten

The great reset

Die Welt wird von Krisen geschüttelt: Wir schütteln die Krisen! Das Musiktheaterkollektiv mehrblick&ton tränkt den Heimathafen im Herbst 2024 in Hoffnung und bringt mit dem »Great Reset« den großen Neuanfang – denn so schlimm wie’s gerade ist, kann es... moreabout: The great reset

Next date:
THE GREAT RESET - Weltuntergang ist auch keine Lösung
Friday, 11/October/2024 19:30 (5 more dates)
Heimathafen Neukölln - Saal
Karl-Marx-Straße 141, 12043 Berlin-Neukölln

Konzerthausorchester Berlin, Joana Mallwitz

A work by Lera Auerbach is also embedded in our second ‘Projections’ festival: ‘Labyrinth’ (2018), the orchestral version of which will be premiered by the Konzerthausorchester under the direction of Joana Mallwitz. Inspired by Modest Mussorgsky's ‘Pictures... moreabout: Konzerthausorchester Berlin, Joana Mallwitz

Friday, 14/February/2025 19:00
Konzerthaus Berlin - Großer Saal
Gendarmenmarkt, 10117 Berlin-Mitte


Er zeigt, wie und warum wir unser persönliches Glück finden können während um uns herum alles zusammenbricht. Inneres Leuchten im Angesicht von Krisen, Kriegen und Kathastrophen. Resilienz entwickeln gegenüber dringlichen Problemen und Aufgaben. Der Jugend... moreabout: DIE neue FIL SHOW

Thursday, 12/September/2024 20:00 (2 more dates)
Gneisenaustraße 2 A, 10961 Berlin-Kreuzberg

Built not just on sand

The exhibition shows how closely the history of Spandaus is connected to the St. Nikolai Church. St. Nikolai is not only an almost 800-year-old building on a sandy island at the confluence of the Spree and Havel rivers. People from the parish help to... moreabout: Built not just on sand

cie. toula limnaios: la nef des fols

the new creation by cie. toula limnaios is inspired by the motif of the »ship of fools«. this dates back to plato, but became a burning theme in literature and art, especially in the middle ages. »la nef des fols« is an almost surrealistic allegory of... moreabout: cie. toula limnaios: la nef des fols

Wednesday, 18/September/2024 20:30 (7 more dates)
Halle Tanz Bühne - Berlin
Eberswalder Straße 10, 10437 Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg

Art in Berlin 1880-1980

The presentation from our collection is a multi-facetted tour through the art of Berlin from 1880 to 1980. moreabout: Art in Berlin 1880-1980

Treasures from the depths of the sea

As our hunger for raw materials can no longer be fully satisfied on land, the deep sea has come into focus. However, the seabed doesn’t belong to individual nations; the International Seabed Authority manages it “for the benefit of humankind as a whole”.... moreabout: Treasures from the depths of the sea

Thursday, 12/September/2024 19:00
Alexanderufer 2, 10117 Berlin-Mitte

Living with oceans, but how?

The sustainable use of the seas, coasts and oceans is a major challenge that concerns us all. A visible sign of this is the plastic waste that washes up on our beaches or oily seabirds after a tanker accident. How do we want to live with the oceans?... moreabout: Living with oceans, but how?

Friday, 27/September/2024 14:00
Alexanderufer 2, 10117 Berlin-Mitte


Katja Grahl nimmt uns mit in große und kleine Lebensmomente humorvoll und mit viel Feingefühl erzählt. Die Inszenierung bringt eine expressive Bildsprache auf die Bühne, die von verträumt-atmosphärischen bis zu abstrakten Erzählweisen reicht. Von leicht... moreabout: Lebenslinien

Friday, 13/September/2024 20:00 (2 more dates)
Theaterforum Kreuzberg
Eisenbahnstraße 21, 10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg

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