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100+ events

Ingo Oschmann - "Scherztherapie" Lachen bis einer heult!

In diesem Programm werden Sie weinen bis es weh tut. Vor Lachen! Und dieses Lachen brennt! Im Zwerchfell, auf den Schenkeln und unter den Nägeln. Wie oft stehen wir fassungslos da, schütteln den Kopf und denken: „Hä?!- Alle bekloppt, oder was?“ Ob Familie,... moreabout: Ingo Oschmann - "Scherztherapie" Lachen bis einer heult!

Friday, 01/November/2024 19:30
Haus der Künste - Kabarett "Die Oderhähne"
Marktplatz 3, 15230 Frankfurt (Oder)

Frank Jimin Hopp: A Streetcar Named Desire

In the exhibition A Streetcar Named Desire, Kang Contemporary stages a postmodern travesty with the artists artist Frank Jimin Hopp to stage a postmodern travesty. Here, consumer fetish meets the increasing threat of environmental catastrophe. moreabout: Frank Jimin Hopp: A Streetcar Named Desire

Group exhibition: brennen glühen flirren

The works that artburst berlin e.V. is showing from October 2 to 6 at the gallery erstererster in Berlin Prenzlauer Berg revolve around the theme of “heat”. moreabout: Group exhibition: brennen glühen flirren

John Baldessari: Ahmedabad 1992

Throughout John Baldessari’s prolific and impactful career, he consistently examined and defied the expectations that influence our perception of art. moreabout: John Baldessari: Ahmedabad 1992

Renée Green: 'Inevitable Distances'

Since the late 1980s, Reno Green's multifaceted practice has imagined and expanded ways in which art becomes visible and latent historical narratives, collective memory, and circuits of cultural exchange take shape.   Green's texts, installations, films,... moreabout: Renée Green: 'Inevitable Distances'

Lecture on the artist Alexandra Exter

Tetyana Filevska’s lecture is dedicated to the painter and stage designer Alexandra Exter. Born in Białystok (Russian Empire) in 1882, the versatile artist lived in Paris for a long time, where she died in 1949. There she was a lively part of the avant-garde... moreabout: Lecture on the artist Alexandra Exter

Saturday, 08/March/2025 15:30
Sensburger Allee 25, 14055 Berlin-Charlottenburg

Group exibition: Disturbance

The Disturbance exhibition was created under the direction of Sven Marquardt in the 2023/24 seminar. 9 photographers worked together to develop the exhibition concept. moreabout: Group exibition: Disturbance

Turbo Global

The effects of turbo capitalism in a specifically Irish context are the central theme of the group exhibition. Ireland and the new capitalism in Europe are almost synonymous. In the period of the "Celtic Tiger", the economic boom from the mid-1990s until... moreabout: Turbo Global

Gesunder Größenwahn

Andy Warhol in Berlin: At this event in the Notagallery, the works of both well-known and up-and-coming artists can be admired. moreabout: Gesunder Größenwahn

Oliver Bak

Monika Sprüth and Philomene Magers are pleased to present both Oliver Bak’s first exhibition at the Berlin gallery and the Danish artist’s first exhibition in Germany. moreabout: Oliver Bak

Weinseminar für Einsteiger an der Spree

Highlights: Great gift idea: Buy a voucher! Hints: • Up to 20 participants (minimum is 2) • Duration: 120 minutes Price: €49 (Standard) moreabout: Weinseminar für Einsteiger an der Spree

Revolte. Die 68er-Bewegung in Bildern und Texten von Zeitzeug*innen

"Revolte"-Herausgeber Ulrich Maske spricht mit Bernard Larsson, dem wichtigen Fotografen der 68er-Bewegung, und der Friedensforscherin, Historikerin und Journalistin Corinna Hauswedell in der aktuellen Ausstellung von Larssons frühen Berlin-Fotografien... moreabout: Revolte. Die 68er-Bewegung in Bildern und Texten von Zeitzeug*innen

Blickfeld - the inevitability of the self

After a tour of the exhibition with curator Dr. Sabine Ziegenrücker, head of the municipal galleries in Reinickendorf, we will talk to the artists present about the positions of the exhibition "Blickfeld - the inevitability of the self" at GalerieETAGE. Participating... moreabout: Blickfeld - the inevitability of the self

Berliner Schnauze Erlebnisrundgang durch die Hackeschen Höfe und Berlin Mitte

Highlights: Great gift idea: Buy a voucher! Hints: • Duration: 120 minutes • Preparation: 5 minutes Please bring: Ticket ausgedruckt oder digital Price: €27 (Standard) Meeting location: Hackescher Markt 4, 10178 Berlin, Deutschland moreabout: Berliner Schnauze Erlebnisrundgang durch die Hackeschen Höfe und Berlin Mitte

Berliner Schnauze Erlebnistour + Vivid im Friedrichstadt-Palast

Eine Kombination aus verrückter Berliner Schnauze Erlebnis Tour und anschließendem Besuch von der größten Theaterbühne der Welt, dem Friedrichstadt-Palast! moreabout: Berliner Schnauze Erlebnistour + Vivid im Friedrichstadt-Palast

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