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100+ events

Climate change in the UNESCO World Heritage Park Sanssouci

The effects of global climate change are not stopping at historic gardens. High summer temperatures with decreasing precipitation and increasingly occurring weather extremes such as storms and heavy rains now pose an existential threat to the trees, woody... moreabout: Climate change in the UNESCO World Heritage Park Sanssouci

Sunday, 13/October/2024 14:00
Park Sanssouci - Schloss Sanssouci
Maulbeerallee, 14469 Potsdam

Advent weekend at Belvedere Palace

After all the pre-Christmas hustle and bustle, you will find the peace and magic of the Advent season at the Belvedere. With the sounds of Christmas choirs and festive music in the entrance to the Schoss, Christmas and winter fairy tales in the Moorish... moreabout: Advent weekend at Belvedere Palace

Saturday, 14/December/2024 15:00
Belvedere auf dem Pfingstberg Potsdam
14469 Potsdam

King Fritz on the vineyard

Sanssouci Palace stands at the top of a vineyard. The king who lived here had the small palace and garden built according to his own ideas. He did not live alone in his vineyard castle, as he had many animal companions. King Frederick not only loved his... moreabout: King Fritz on the vineyard

Saturday, 07/December/2024 16:30
Park Sanssouci - Schloss Sanssouci
Maulbeerallee, 14469 Potsdam


Man-made climate change is also affecting Sanssouci Park in Potsdam. Extreme heat, intense sunlight and persistent drought have damaged almost 80 percent of the trees in the UNESCO World Heritage park. Between 160 and 300 of them have had to be felled... moreabout: Re:Generation

Is the castle haunted?

When night falls in Königs Wusterhausen, when the visitors and castle staff have long since gone home, the adventure tour through the hunting lodge of the "Soldier King" begins. Friedrich Wilhelm I came to Wusterhausen with his family every year for the... moreabout: Is the castle haunted?

Saturday, 23/November/2024 16:30
Schloss Königs Wusterhausen
Schloßplatz 1, 15711 Königs Wusterhausen

Cecilienhof Palace and the Potsdam Conference

In summer 1945 world history was made at Cecilienhof Palace in Potsdam. After the end of hostilities in Europe, representatives of the three main allies of World War II met here for top-level discussions on the restructuring of Europe and the future of... moreabout: Cecilienhof Palace and the Potsdam Conference

Forced labour and labour exploitation under National Socialism and today

Forced labour and labour exploitation have occurred in various forms throughout history. During the National Socialist tyranny, around 13 million men, women and children were forced to work under inhumane conditions in the German Reich alone. Even today,... moreabout: Forced labour and labour exploitation under National Socialism and today

Saturday, 16/November/2024 10:00
Dokumentationszentrum NS-Zwangsarbeit Berlin-Schöneweide
Britzer Straße 5, 12439 Berlin-Köpenick

Karya 1943

The Album The starting point of the exhibition is the photo collection of a German engineer who was deployed in Greece during the Second World War and carried out construction projects for the Wehrmacht. The album contains photographs of Jewish forced... moreabout: Karya 1943

Forced Labor in Berlin 1938-1945

Who were the people who had to perform forced labor in Berlin, where did they come from, and under what conditions did they have to live and work? moreabout: Forced Labor in Berlin 1938-1945

Between all chairs

In World War II, Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy were allies. On September 8, 1943, Italy withdrew from the alliance. The Wehrmacht then took Italian soldiers and officers prisoner. About 650,000 were deported to the German Reich and the occupied territories. The... moreabout: Between all chairs

Everyday life forced labour 1938-1945

The exhibition documents the history of forced labor during National Socialism as an omnipresent mass phenomenon. moreabout: Everyday life forced labour 1938-1945

99 x Neukölln

The permanent exhibition of the Museum Neukölln on the former estate Britz focuses on 99 original objects of the collection. Based on these material contemporary witnesses, visitors can learn about fundamental aspects of the history and present of the... moreabout: 99 x Neukölln

Alte Liebe von Elke Heidenreich und Bernd Schroeder

Alte Liebe rostet nicht. Aber die Zeit ist nicht spurlos vorbeigegangen an Lore und Harry. Die leidenschaftliche Lore hat Angst, bald mit dem frisch pensionierten Harry untätig im Garten zu sitzen. Elke Heidenreich und Bernd Schroeder schreiben in umwerfenden... moreabout: Alte Liebe von Elke Heidenreich und Bernd Schroeder

Sunday, 03/November/2024 15:00
Theater am Frankfurter Tor (ehemals Theater Berliner Schnauze)
Karl-Marx-Allee 133, 10243 Berlin-Friedrichshain

Ein wortloses Puppenspiel: Sha Doizo

Sha Doizo ist die Geschichte eines imaginären Tieres, das in einem imaginären Garten lebt. Weder Katze, noch Finger, noch Vogel, Sha Doizo ist ein bisschen von all dem zugleich. Er würde gerne fliegen, aber eine Katze fliegt nicht. Er würde gerne miauen,... moreabout: Ein wortloses Puppenspiel: Sha Doizo

Saturday, 16/November/2024 11:00 (1 more date)
Theater der kleinen Form
Gubener Str. 45, 10243 Berlin

The emperor and the nightingale

Once upon a time, there lived a powerful emperor in China who had a beautiful and immense garden next to his castle. A nightingale also lived there, delighting everyone's heart with its song. The emperor was enraptured by its song and brought the nightingale... moreabout: The emperor and the nightingale

Sunday, 08/December/2024 16:30
Schloss Schönhausen
Tschaikowskistraße 1, 13156 Berlin-Pankow

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