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100+ events

Picture book cinema: Colors for All - Кольори для всіх

Читання книжок з малюнками «Стіна. Притча» Джанкарло Макрі та Кароліни Занотті з ілюстраціями від Сакко & Валларіно, а також «Усі бачать кицю» von Брендана Венцеля і Томаса Бодмера. Киця щоразу має інший вигляд: то вона велика, то мала, то сіра, то різнокольорова... moreabout: Picture book cinema: Colors for All - Кольори для всіх

Sunday, 01/December/2024 15:00
Humboldt Forum
Schloßplatz, 10178 Berlin-Mitte

Die Seele am Faden / Soul Threads

Overview Tour: Hamburger Bahnhof

Guided tour of the collection presentation, the Forum Hamburger Bahnhof and the building. Free of charge with a valid admission ticket. No registration required. Meeting point: Information Price info: 0 € Price: €0.00 moreabout: Overview Tour: Hamburger Bahnhof

Saturday, 23/November/2024 14:00 (81 more dates)
Hamburger Bahnhof - Museum für Gegenwart
Invalidenstraße 51, 10557 Berlin-Tiergarten

Interactive Guided Tour with the Siribox

The Siribox consists of experiments and instructions for visitors to playfully engage with works of the exhibition. In analog form or using an app, visitors are invited to embark on an interactive guided tour with members of the Shadow Museum in order... moreabout: Interactive Guided Tour with the Siribox

Sunday, 24/November/2024 16:00
Haus der Kulturen der Welt
John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10, 10557 Berlin-Tiergarten

The 12 Tenors: 15 Years Celebration Tour

The 12 Tenors gelten als eine der erfolgreichsten Tenorformationen der Welt. Seit 15 Jahren begeistern sie ihr Publikum mit großen Stimmen, eindrucksvollen Choreografien, witzigem Entertainment und charmanten Moderationen auf ihren Konzerten in Europa,... moreabout: The 12 Tenors: 15 Years Celebration Tour

Saturday, 23/November/2024 20:00 (10 more dates)
Tipi am Kanzleramt
Große Querallee, 10557 Berlin-Tiergarten

sistercore – justine & juliette

„I will tell you a tale of two sisters, one pious, sad and oh so lonely and tormented – Snow White. The other is the cruel WHORE Rose Red, no wait, it’s Justine or the misfortunes of virtue no, it’s Juliette and the rewards of vice no, was it the tale... moreabout: sistercore – justine & juliette

Wednesday, 11/December/2024 20:00
Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz: Videothek
Linienstraße 227, 10178 Berlin

How would you like to shape the politics of the future?

Politics is sometimes difficult to understand. What will it be like in the future? We’re going to talk with you in straightforward language about the politics of tomorrow. How do you yourself engage in politics? Which topics are important right now? And... moreabout: How would you like to shape the politics of the future?

Sunday, 01/December/2024 13:00
Alexanderufer 2, 10117 Berlin-Mitte

On(going) Trauma - Künstlerische Erzählweisen individueller und kollektiver Wunden

In der Gegenwart: Die Sprachlosigkeit hat uns im Griff, die Gewalt und ihre Folgen liegen vor uns, ausgebreitet, offenbar: On(going) Trauma Mehr denn je zeigt sich, wie rechte Kontinuitäten neue Auswüchse erreichen. In den Mehrheiten der Gesellschaft... moreabout: On(going) Trauma - Künstlerische Erzählweisen individueller und kollektiver Wunden

Saturday, 30/November/2024 15:00 (2 more dates)
Vierte Welt
Adalbertstraße 96, 10999 Berlin-Kreuzberg

Eli Cortiñas: The Machine Monologs

Many of us try to have a positive influence on the world. But how much room for maneuver do we have in the systems that surround and govern us? In the Fotografiska exhibition, video artist Eli Cortiñas explores the role of technology in our lives and... moreabout: Eli Cortiñas: The Machine Monologs

The Mendelssohns in Jägerstraße

The permanent exhibition "The Mendelssohns in Jägerstraße", conceived for the 18. The permanent exhibition "The Mendelssohns in Jägerstraße", conceived for the 18th Jewish Culture Days 2004, will be shown in the later remise of the Mendelssohn Bank, which... moreabout: The Mendelssohns in Jägerstraße

The German alibi. The myth of the "Stauffenberg assassination"

The 80th anniversary of the failed assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler by Claus Graf Schenk von Stauffenberg has received some attention in academia and the media in the summer of 2024. Among the new publications on the history of the July 20, 1944... moreabout: The German alibi. The myth of the "Stauffenberg assassination"

Tuesday, 03/December/2024 18:00
Forum Willy Brandt Berlin
Behrenstraße 15, 10117 Berlin-Mitte

Willy Brandt's political life at your fingertips

On Sunday, December 15, there will be an exciting guided tour for blind, visually impaired and sighted guests through our permanent exhibition at the Willy Brandt Berlin Forum. Freedom, democracy, peace and justice were among the central political values... moreabout: Willy Brandt's political life at your fingertips

Sunday, 15/December/2024 11:30
Forum Willy Brandt Berlin
Behrenstraße 15, 10117 Berlin-Mitte

Story theatre. Strength

Kurdish, Spanish, Swabian, Italian, Arabic, Sign Language, Norwegian and German. A story can be told in any language, even if the storytellers are speaking two different languages. moreabout: Story theatre. Strength

Saturday, 23/November/2024 13:00 (2 more dates)
Humboldt Forum: Saal 3
Schloßplatz, 10178 Berlin-Mitte

Story theatre. The world of languages

Anansi the spider wants to capture all the knowledge in the world and keep it in a pumpkin for himself: recipes, building instructions, formulae, even vocabulary and rules of grammar. Wilhelm von Humboldt wanted to collect vocabulary and grammar rules... moreabout: Story theatre. The world of languages

Saturday, 25/January/2025 13:00 (5 more dates)
Humboldt Forum: Saal 3
Schloßplatz, 10178 Berlin-Mitte

Mario Czaja: "Wie der Osten Deutschland rettet"

Abgesagt. Zusätzliche Informationen: Einlass: 20:15 Uhr Buchungshinweise: Ausverkauft moreabout: Mario Czaja: "Wie der Osten Deutschland rettet"

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