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100+ events

Greece and forced labour: National and European Perspectives

Greece holds a special position when it comes to forced labour: In contrast to the other occupied territories in Europe, most Greeks were forced to work in their home country. From 1941 to 1944, Greece experienced a brutal German occupation characterised... moreabout: Greece and forced labour: National and European Perspectives

Tuesday, 22/October/2024 19:00
Dokumentationszentrum NS-Zwangsarbeit Berlin-Schöneweide
Britzer Straße 5, 12439 Berlin-Köpenick

Paretz. A royal country estate around 1800

Paretz in Havelland, 20 kilometres from Potsdam, is one of the most beautiful excursion destinations in the Mark Brandenburg castle landscape. The village is considered a prime example of Prussian rural architecture around 1800 in the Mark Brandenburg.... moreabout: Paretz. A royal country estate around 1800

Royal Christmas

in 1698, the 10-year-old Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm received Königs Wusterhausen Palace from his parents as a Christmas present. Short guided tours, which take place every 30 minutes, tell of royal Christmas customs and gifts. Afterwards, magical... moreabout: Royal Christmas

Saturday, 14/December/2024 10:00
Schloss Königs Wusterhausen
Schloßplatz 1, 15711 Königs Wusterhausen

Picnic in the Museum Park with KIMBA

When was the last time you went on a picnic? Has it been far too long or would you like to learn some new recipes? Then come with us to the museum park and let's use seasonal fruit and vegetables to prepare delicious snacks for a colorful picnic. We'll... moreabout: Picnic in the Museum Park with KIMBA

Friedrich der Große und seine Bücher

The library of Frederick the Great in Sanssouci Palace contains over 2,000 volumes of Greek and Roman poetry, historiography, and French literature of the 17th and 18th centuries. This makes it, together with the library in the royal apartment of the... moreabout: Friedrich der Große und seine Bücher

From royal property to castle museum: the castle's eventful history of use

The chronological arc of the special tour spans from the reign of Friedrich Wilhelm I to the end of the monarchy. The more recent history of the palace is then examined: in 1927, the newly founded palace administration opened the palace as a museum. During... moreabout: From royal property to castle museum: the castle's eventful history of use

Sunday, 06/October/2024 11:00
Schloss Königs Wusterhausen
Schloßplatz 1, 15711 Königs Wusterhausen

Twisted and upside down - Technological features of Asian and European lacquer frames

Current research findings on the Asian lacquer works in the Japanese Chamber of Charlottenburg Palace are juxtaposed with the European chinois furniture by the lacquer artist Gérard Dagly in other rooms of the Old Palace. Where are the similarities and... moreabout: Twisted and upside down - Technological features of Asian and European lacquer frames

Sunday, 20/October/2024 15:00
Schloss Charlottenburg
Spandauer Damm 22, 14059 Berlin-Charlottenburg

The Century of Displacement - A European history of forced migrations from the 20th century to our time

The exhibition depicts a European history of forced migrations from the20th century to our own time. The focus is on the flight and expulsion of around 14 million Germans in the historical context of the Second World War and National Socialist policies. moreabout: The Century of Displacement - A European history of forced migrations from the 20th century to our time

Royal interiors and art-historical masterpieces: The New Pavilion of Friedrich Wilhelm III.

for over 200 years, Charlottenburg Palace served almost all Prussian rulers and their families as a place of representation or as a private retreat. After the end of the monarchy, it was opened to the general public as a museum palace and was destroyed... moreabout: Royal interiors and art-historical masterpieces: The New Pavilion of Friedrich Wilhelm III.

Thursday, 17/October/2024 15:00
Neuer Pavillon im Schlosspark Charlottenburg
Spandauer Damm 24, 14059 Berlin-Charlottenburg

Musical Dinner Azzurro

Musical Dinner "AZZURRO - Una Notte Speciale" Norddeutschlands erfolgreichste Dinner Show ... noch nie war Musical so nah! Azzurro, so ist der Himmel für Verliebte, denn Azzurro heißt blau. Erleben Sie einen bunten Abend voller Träume und Sehnsucht,... moreabout: Musical Dinner Azzurro

Next date:
Musical Dinner (Das Original) Azzurro
Friday, 07/November/2025 19:30
Neuer Hennings Hof - Sport- & Vital- Resort
Henningshof 3, 19348 Perleberg
from €127.21

Eine Mittsommernachts-Sex-Komödie

Die temporeiche Komödie entstand nach dem gleichnamigen Film und verwendet Motive aus Shakespeares Sommernachtstraum. Drei Paare verbringen das Wochenende auf dem Land und geraten mit sich und den anderen ins Streiten, Konkurrieren, Begehren, Hinterfragen.... moreabout: Eine Mittsommernachts-Sex-Komödie

Gregor Gysi - Was Politiker nicht sagen

Ein autobiografischer Blick hinter die Kulissen des Politikbetriebs Gregor Gysi erzählt und rezitiert aus „Ein Leben ist zu wenig. Die Autobiographie.“ und stellt sein aktuelles Buch „Was Politiker nicht sagen“ vor. In diesem erklärt er, wie Kommunikation... moreabout: Gregor Gysi - Was Politiker nicht sagen

Wednesday, 18/December/2024 20:00
Theater am Frankfurter Tor
Karl-Marx-Allee 133, 10243 Berlin


Mit einem kometenhaften Aufstieg innerhalb der Musikszene und der Etablierung seines eigenen Labels Basshall Movement, ist Kybba ein ausschlaggebender Grund dafür, dass Dancehall Musik auch in Europa zunehmend populärer wird. Seine Vision des Basshall... moreabout: Kybba

Thursday, 28/November/2024 20:00
Obentrautstraße 19-21, 10963 Berlin-Kreuzberg

Offene Werkstatt: Flechten

To the complete summer program 2024 of the Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin. Meeting point: Werkstattbereich in der Ausstellung ALL HANDS ON: Flechten Price info: 0 € mit Ausstellungsticket Price: €0.00 moreabout: Offene Werkstatt: Flechten

Sunday, 20/October/2024 14:00 (5 more dates)
Museum Europäischer Kulturen
Arnimallee 25, 14195 Berlin-Zehlendorf

Christmas with all your senses

Weihnachten riecht, schmeckt, klingt und leuchtet. All unsere Sinne werden in dieser Zeit auf besondere Weise angesprochen. Die Sonderausstellung „Weihnachten mit allen Sinnen“ des Museums Europäischer Kulturen (MEK) geht diesem Phänomen nach und zeigt... moreabout: Christmas with all your senses

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