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100+ events

Understand architecture

Five new architectural models in the Museum Nikolaikirche make the shape of the monument comprehensible for blind, visually impaired and sighted people. As an integral part of the museum's permanent exhibition, the high-quality 3-D models enable visitors... moreabout: Understand architecture


Gerade in krisenhaften Zeiten ist es wichtig, einen klaren moralischen Kompass zu haben, seine Werte zu kennen und auch zu ihnen zu stehen. Die feministische Aktivistin und politische Influencerin Kristina Lunz ist überzeugt: Empathie und Widerstand sind... moreabout: KRISTINA LUNZ

Tuesday, 22/October/2024 20:00
Heimathafen Neukölln
Karl-Marx-Straße 141, 12043 Berlin-Neukölln

Ver/collect anti-racist struggles

Struggles and resistance against racism are part of the history of this country. Whether immigrant, transient or born here, people with experiences of racism, anti-Semitism and discrimination have been fighting for equality and social change for decades.... moreabout: Ver/collect anti-racist struggles

Anna Seghers in the circle of her friends

The Anna Seghers Museum in Berlin Adlershof preserves this writer's home and study as it was during her lifetime, and presents a permanent showcase exhibition on her life and work. The Museums original furnishings include Anna Seghers' extensive private... moreabout: Anna Seghers in the circle of her friends

Tuesday, 13/August/2024 14:00
Anna-Seghers-Straße 81, 12489 Berlin-Treptow

Pia Arke Screening Sumé – The Sound of a Revolution

with an introduction by director Inuk Silis Høegh In Greenlandic and Danish with English subtitles The 1960s marked the beginning of a new paradigm in Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland). Recently relabeled a Danish county, Greenland’s existing cultural, social,... moreabout: Pia Arke Screening Sumé – The Sound of a Revolution

Thursday, 22/August/2024 21:00
KW - Institute for Contemporary Art
Auguststraße 69, 10117 Berlin-Mitte

Culinarium: From the field to the plate

How many people eat with knife and fork worldwide, how many use fingers and hands? When and where was the can invented – or margarine? How is the typical life of a pig in an industrialized farm vs. a pig in an organic farm? And in what month is actually... moreabout: Culinarium: From the field to the plate

Christiane Stenger, Stephan Phin Spielhoff: Nichts wird von alleine gut

Die Hoffnung hat ein Problem. Gerade jetzt, wo wir sie am meisten brauchen, versagt sie. Immer mehr Menschen haben das Gefühl, dass die Zukunft nicht besser werden wird als die Gegenwart. Das beweisen neuste Umfragen ganz klar: Über die Hälfte aller Jugendlichen... moreabout: Christiane Stenger, Stephan Phin Spielhoff: Nichts wird von alleine gut

Tuesday, 26/November/2024 20:00
Pfefferberg - Theater
Schönhauser Allee 176, 10119 Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg

Myth Germania: Hitler's Plans for Berlin

Albert Speer's plans for Berlin were not a utopia, but a concrete building project. As general building inspector, the architect designed broad axes and monumental buildings of enormous dimensions that were intended to demonstrate the Nazi system's claim... moreabout: Myth Germania: Hitler's Plans for Berlin

Märchenkoffer Memories

Es war einmal… Seit jeher erzählen Märchen von Heldinnen und Helden, die in die Welt hinausziehen zu neuen Abenteuern und auf ihren Reisen zahlreichen Rätseln, Wundern und Zauber begegnen und so manche Prüfung zu meistern haben. Die Jahreszeiten und... moreabout: Märchenkoffer Memories

Sunday, 17/November/2024 15:00
Veteranenstraße 21, 10119 Berlin-Mitte

Turn Illness into a Weapon

Reacting to the healthcare system’s discriminatory structures, in 1972, Sozialistische Patient*innenkollektiv (Socialist Patients’ Collective) decided to weaponise their illnesses. The group aimed not to portray illness as an individual problem that must... moreabout: Turn Illness into a Weapon

Jüdischer Salon

Jüdische Räume in der Diaspora – Wo stehen wir? Ein Gespräch mit Elisabeth Becker und Dekel Peretz Ist die Diaspora der Schlüssel, der Sicherheitsgarant des Überlebens für Jüdinnen und Juden? Elisabeth Becker stammt aus einer säkularen jüdischen New... moreabout: Jüdischer Salon

Friday, 13/September/2024 19:30
Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz - Grüner Salon
Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, 10178 Berlin-Mitte

One Hour Museum für Asiatische Kunst. Public tour in English

Visitors get a look at the new presentation of the outstanding art collections from South, East and Central Asia in the Humboldt Forum in Berlin. Questions of provenance and restitution as well as colonial continuities are also discussed.  - 8,00 EUR... moreabout: One Hour Museum für Asiatische Kunst. Public tour in English

Open Lab Abend: Growing Architecture – Co-Designing with Fungi

Speculate with us about the materials of tomorrow and co-create a temporary exhibit for Futurium Lab! In the workshop series "Materialzukünfte besuchen” (Visiting Material Futures), researchers from Matters of Activity share insights into their work,... moreabout: Open Lab Abend: Growing Architecture – Co-Designing with Fungi

All facade? Architecture tour for adults in German language

The interior and exterior tour provides an insight into Franco Stella's architecture, his models and his combination of old and new. The contrasting formal language of baroque and contemporary architecture is just as much a topic as the eventful building... moreabout: All facade? Architecture tour for adults in German language

One Hour Ethnologisches Museum. Public tour in English

Visitors get a look at the new presentation of the outstanding art collections from South, East and Central Asia. Questions of provenance and restitution as well as colonial continuities are also discussed. - 8,00 EUR per person - Book your ticket... moreabout: One Hour Ethnologisches Museum. Public tour in English

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