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100+ events

Jour Fixe - Music in the afternoon

Every fortnight, on Wednesdays, students from Berlin's universities present themselves to the public in the Curt Sachs Hall of the Museum of Musical Instruments. Booking: Issue of free tickets from 2 pm at the museum box office. Please note the current... moreabout: Jour Fixe - Music in the afternoon

Wednesday, 02/October/2024 15:30 (5 more dates)
Musikinstrumentenmuseum - Ben-Gurion-Straße
Ben-Gurion-Straße, 10785 Berlin-Tiergarten

Talking... & Other Banana Skins

"Talking... & Other Banana Skins" addresses the polarization of our society. This lively and colorful exhibition provocatively invites dialogue through urban and contemporary art. It encourages visitors to question their own perspective. moreabout: Talking... & Other Banana Skins

HUMBOLDT LABORATORY. After Nature. Overview tour in English language on Museum Sunday

How are climate change, working conditions in a textile factory in Bangladesh and the extinction of insects in the Uckermark region connected? What does science have to do with our own lives? The inaugural exhibition "After Nature" at the Humboldt Laboratory... moreabout: HUMBOLDT LABORATORY. After Nature. Overview tour in English language on Museum Sunday

Sunday, 06/October/2024 12:30
Humboldt Forum
Schloßplatz, 10178 Berlin-Mitte

First philately sales day

Stamps are much more than just postage stamps. They are mirrors of the times, ambassadors of our country and miniature works of art. in 2024, the Museum of Communication will become a special post office four times. We are inviting philatelists and all... moreabout: First philately sales day

Thursday, 10/October/2024 9:30
Museum für Kommunikation
Leipziger Straße 16, 10117 Berlin-Mitte

Villa Global

Berlin is changing and Villa Global has changed as well. Many new people have moved in: The Next Generation. In 14 rooms you can meet all kinds of people: from toddlers to grandmothers, from rappers to journalists, from girls who show courage to young... moreabout: Villa Global

Sonderführungen - Klostergelände

Wandeln Sie mit erfahrenen Gästeführern durch die geschichtsträchtige Klosteranlage und erleben Sie weitere Facetten des Klosters Neuzelle. Jedes Wochenende finden verschiedene Sonderführungen durch das sogenannte Barockwunder Brandenburgs statt. Organisiert... moreabout: Sonderführungen - Klostergelände

Next date:
Gesamtführung Kloster Neuzelle
Saturday, 28/September/2024 14:30
Orangerie Neuzelle - Stiftung Stift Neuzelle
Stiftsplatz 7, 15898 Neuzelle
from €13.50

Sonderführung: Von der Gotik zum Barock

Neuzelle gilt als Barockwunder Brandenburgs, weil die Ursprünge dieser einmaligen Klosteranlage und der Kirche St. Marien gotisch sind. Entdecken Sie wie das Kloster Neuzelle durch barocke Baukunst umgeformt und überarbeitet wurde und warum. Stationen:... moreabout: Sonderführung: Von der Gotik zum Barock

Next date:
Architektur und Geschichte im Kloster
Sunday, 29/September/2024 14:30
Kloster Neuzelle
Stiftsplatz 7, 15898 Neuzelle
from €11.00

Public guided tour | 100 years Museum Spandau

During a guided tour of the exhibition with a curator, you will not only learn interesting facts about the history of the museum, but also about the challenges of museum work in listed buildings. The full programme for the Open Monument Day can be found... moreabout: Public guided tour | 100 years Museum Spandau

Hinkelstein & Zaubertrank: Die Wahrheit über Asterix und Obelix

Körper zeichnen!

Meeting point: information Price: €20.00 Booking: booking/prior registration essential moreabout: Körper zeichnen!

Sunday, 17/November/2024 14:00 (2 more dates)
Altes Museum
Am Lustgarten, 10178 Berlin-Mitte

Alltag einer Restauratorin

Meeting point: Kasse Price: €15.00 Booking: booking/prior registration essential moreabout: Alltag einer Restauratorin

Sunday, 20/October/2024 13:00
Am Kupfergraben, 10117 Berlin-Mitte

Hieroglyphen – Schreiben wie die alten Ägypter

Meeting point: JSG unteres Foyer Price: €10.00 Booking: booking/prior registration essential moreabout: Hieroglyphen – Schreiben wie die alten Ägypter

Saturday, 05/October/2024 11:00 (3 more dates)
Neues Museum
Bodestraße 1, 10178 Berlin-Mitte

Guided tour of the temporary exhibition "Heavy Metal in the GDR"

The temporary exhibition "Heavy Metal in the GDR" takes a look at the everyday lives of fans and bands in the metal scene in the GDR and East Germany. During the guided tour you will discover the most important stages: What makes up the heavy metal lifestyle?... moreabout: Guided tour of the temporary exhibition "Heavy Metal in the GDR"

Sunday, 29/September/2024 15:00 (19 more dates)
Museum in der Kulturbrauerei
Knaackstraße 97, 10435 Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg

Neu gesehen: Frauen der Antike

Meeting point: information Price: €15.00 Booking: booking/prior registration recommended moreabout: Neu gesehen: Frauen der Antike

Saturday, 28/September/2024 15:00 (11 more dates)
Altes Museum
Am Lustgarten, 10178 Berlin-Mitte

Farbiges Stuckrelief im Holzrahmen

Meeting point: Kasse Price: €15.00 Booking: booking/prior registration essential moreabout: Farbiges Stuckrelief im Holzrahmen

Sunday, 20/October/2024 14:00 (1 more date)
Am Kupfergraben, 10117 Berlin-Mitte

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