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A miller claims that his daughter can spin straw into gold. When the king learns of this news, he fetches the miller's daughter and takes her with him. If she can spin three chambers of straw into gold, she will become his wife. A little man comes to... moreabout: Rumpelstilzchen

Thursday, 03/October/2024 13:30 (1 more date)
Jagdschloss Grunewald
Hüttenweg 100, 14193 Berlin-Zehlendorf

Birds of prey and falconry

Who would like to look at birds of prey with pleasure once from the next proximity and interesting and worth knowing around the Falkernei and the hunt with a bird of prey - the Beizjagd - would like to get to know, is on this Sunday completely correctly... moreabout: Birds of prey and falconry

Sunday, 13/October/2024 12:00
Jagdschloss Grunewald
Hüttenweg 100, 14193 Berlin-Zehlendorf

Graffiti workshop

Since the 1980s, numerous artists have sprayed and painted on the Berlin Wall, creating the longest graffiti area in the world. Frenchman Thierry Noir was one of the first Wall artists. You can also see a piece of the Berlin Wall painted by him in the... moreabout: Graffiti workshop

Sunday, 06/October/2024 14:00
AlliiertenMuseum e.V.
Clayallee 135, 14195 Berlin-Zehlendorf

Spinning, weaving, dyeing

How wool is turned into clothes: In the museum village we show how things to wear are made from natural raw materials in the medieval way. From the wool of freshly shorn sheep to the finished product, on this day you can see how clothing was made in... moreabout: Spinning, weaving, dyeing

Saturday, 28/September/2024 10:00 (1 more date)
Museumsdorf Düppel
Clauertstraße 11, 14163 Berlin-Zehlendorf

Children's flashlight tour through the large objects

12.10.2024 7-8 p.m As part of the Family Night on October 12, 2024, the Allied Museum offers open guided tours. Discover the Allied Museum with us after dark as you've never seen it before. We will open our large objects for you, which we will explore... moreabout: Children's flashlight tour through the large objects

Saturday, 12/October/2024 19:00
AlliiertenMuseum e.V.
Clayallee 135, 14195 Berlin-Zehlendorf

"Outrageous!" Survival through music

Music by Joh. Sebastian Bach, Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber, Lera Auerbach, Ilse Weber, Paul Ben-Haim Testimonies from the so-called "paradise camp", the Nazi showcase camp Theresienstadt, describe musical creative processes and the power of music and poetry... moreabout: "Outrageous!" Survival through music

Wednesday, 23/October/2024 18:30
Liebermann-Villa am Wannsee
Colomierstraße 3, 14109 Berlin-Zehlendorf

Das hässliche Entlein

Ein kleines Entlein erlebt sich selbst als hässlich. Aber auf seiner langen Reise zu sich selbst begegnet es vielen Tieren und merkt schließlich, dass es gar nicht hässlich, sondern nur anders ist. moreabout: Das hässliche Entlein

Sunday, 27/October/2024 14:00
Domäne Dahlem
Königin-Luise-Straße 49, 14195 Berlin-Zehlendorf

Christmas with all your senses

Weihnachten riecht, schmeckt, klingt und leuchtet. All unsere Sinne werden in dieser Zeit auf besondere Weise angesprochen. Die Sonderausstellung „Weihnachten mit allen Sinnen“ des Museums Europäischer Kulturen (MEK) geht diesem Phänomen nach und zeigt... moreabout: Christmas with all your senses

Cranach in Grunewald

Nearly 30 works by Lucas Cranach the Elder, Lucas Cranach the Younger and their workshop convey an impressive picture of the rulers and artistry at the Berlin court of the 16th century. After an absence of five years, the paintings are returning to their... moreabout: Cranach in Grunewald

How enemies became friends

The history of the Western powers in Berlin is full of suspense and drama. It begins with the American, British, and French occupying troops marching into Berlin in 1945 and ends with the Allies’ ceremonial withdrawal in 1994. moreabout: How enemies became friends

Alsen villa colony on the Großer Wannsee lake

Аb 1870, a cultural landscape emerged in the area around Wannsee that was unique in Berlin - perhaps even in all of Germany - during the Empire and the Weimar Republic. moreabout: Alsen villa colony on the Großer Wannsee lake

Dornröschen Mitspieltheater I Dahlem

Das Mitspieltheater ist eine besondere Form des Theaterspielens, bei dem eine erfahrene Schauspielerin ein Märchen erzählt und dabei in die verschiedenen Märchencharaktere und Rollen schlüpft. Die Kinder erleben beim Mitspieltheater die große Kunst des... moreabout: Dornröschen Mitspieltheater I Dahlem

Saturday, 05/October/2024 15:30 (1 more date)
Domäne Dahlem
Königin-Luise-Straße 49, 14195 Berlin-Zehlendorf

"Glienicke delights me"

200 years ago, Prince Carl of Prussia (1801-1883) proudly took possession of his estate in Glienicke and from then on called himself "Sir Charles Glienicke" in private letters. As a special highlight, a presentation will be shown in the prince's living... moreabout: "Glienicke delights me"

Saturday, 19/October/2024 14:00 (1 more date)
Schlossgarten Glienicke
Königstraße 36 A, 14109 Berlin-Zehlendorf

Three firsts: Lenné and Glienicke

When the young and ambitious Peter Joseph Lenné came to Potsdam in 1816, he was commissioned by Karl August Prince von Hardenberg to create the first English-inspired pleasure grounds in Prussia on his Glienicke estate. From 1824, he continued his work... moreabout: Three firsts: Lenné and Glienicke

Thursday, 10/October/2024 17:00 (1 more date)
Schlossgarten Glienicke
Königstraße 36 A, 14109 Berlin-Zehlendorf

Italy on the Havel

As the second-born son of Frederick William III, Prince Carl of Prussia always stood in the political shadow of his elder brothers Frederick William IV and William I. By rebuilding Glienicke Palace and laying out the Glienicke Palace and Landscape Garden... moreabout: Italy on the Havel

Sunday, 06/October/2024 14:00
Schlossgarten Glienicke
Königstraße 36 A, 14109 Berlin-Zehlendorf

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