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100+ events

Mariechen Danz: Edge Out

In her artistic practice Mariechen Danz explores methods and models of human cognition. The starting point for her artistic research is the fragmented human body. moreabout: Mariechen Danz: Edge Out

Alfredo Jaar: The End of the World

Alfredo Jaar is an artist, architect and filmmaker. For over 40 years, he has been dealing with complex socio-political issues and the limits and ethics of representability. moreabout: Alfredo Jaar: The End of the World

Dream on. Berlin, the 90s

C/O Berlin is presenting around 260 photographic works from the wild 90s, including iconic scenes and never-before-seen archive material by Ostkreuz photographers. moreabout: Dream on. Berlin, the 90s

Iss dich schlau: Von Apfel bis Zimt!

Unter dem Motto „Was ist gut für mich und was ist gut für die Welt“ folgen die jungen Besucher:innen der Spur einer gesunden und nachhaltigen Ernährung. moreabout: Iss dich schlau: Von Apfel bis Zimt!

Talking... & Other Banana Skins

"Talking... & Other Banana Skins" addresses the polarization of our society. This lively and colorful exhibition provocatively invites dialogue through urban and contemporary art. It encourages visitors to question their own perspective. moreabout: Talking... & Other Banana Skins

According to nature

Humans have inscribed themselves in all ecosystems, in the Earth's atmosphere and even in the deep geological layers of the planet. It is in this context that Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin opens the Humboldt Laboratory with its interactive inaugural... moreabout: According to nature

Eddy Posthuma de Boer: Newspaper Readers

From a Viennese coffee house to a cab in Miami to an amusement park on a rooftop in Tokyo: photojournalist Eddy Posthuma de Boer has spent more than five decades capturing newspaper readers all over the world. moreabout: Eddy Posthuma de Boer: Newspaper Readers

Berlin im Blick: Photographers show their city

More than 70 photographs from our photo call "Berlin now!" show the city from very different, personal perspectives. moreabout: Berlin im Blick: Photographers show their city

Magnum: Close Enough

The exhibition “Close Enough” at C/O Berlin presents the work of thirteen outstanding Magnum photographers, whose different visions have had a lasting impact on the agency's visual language. moreabout: Magnum: Close Enough

Story theatre. The world of languages

Anansi the spider wants to capture all the knowledge in the world and keep it in a pumpkin for himself: recipes, building instructions, formulae, even vocabulary and rules of grammar. Wilhelm von Humboldt wanted to collect vocabulary and grammar rules... moreabout: Story theatre. The world of languages

Saturday, 25/January/2025 13:00 (5 more dates)
Humboldt Forum
Schloßplatz, 10178 Berlin-Mitte

Historisch betrachtet

Auf Papier (Museum Ephraim-Palais)

Frozen Power - Tanz Performance by MUDA Africa, Dar es Salaam

In the dance production “Frozen Power”, five performers and a live musician guide the audience through a multifaceted story that tells of power struggles, intrigues and the lived resistance against German colonial rule in Tanzania. “Muda" means “time”... moreabout: Frozen Power - Tanz Performance by MUDA Africa, Dar es Salaam

Thursday, 05/December/2024 19:00 (3 more dates)
Humboldt Forum
Schloßplatz, 10178 Berlin-Mitte

Mit Abstand das Beste! Einmal durch die Gemäldegalerie

A "Who's Who" of art history awaits you in one of the most important collections of European painting from the 13th to 18th centuries. Discover works by famous painters, presented chronologically according to epochs, artistic landscapes and schools. The... moreabout: Mit Abstand das Beste! Einmal durch die Gemäldegalerie

Saturday, 23/November/2024 11:30 (5 more dates)
Matthäikirchplatz 4, 10785 Berlin-Tiergarten

Of High Walls and Brave Kids. An East-West Tale Narrated by Antje Horn

Three times a day, Brock the dragon flies back and forth over the wall separating the Eastern and Western Lands, keeping watch on the border and the glass palace in the East, where Lissy lives. Her cousin Hans lives in the Western Land. Both dream of... moreabout: Of High Walls and Brave Kids. An East-West Tale Narrated by Antje Horn

Sunday, 22/December/2024 13:00 (2 more dates)
Humboldt Forum
Schloßplatz, 10178 Berlin-Mitte

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