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100+ events

Herbert W. Franke: Illuminating the Invisible

The König Galerie in Berlin is presenting a solo exhibition of the late science fiction author, computer art pioneer and universal genius Herbert W. Franke. moreabout: Herbert W. Franke: Illuminating the Invisible

Ridolfo Schadow: The Judgment of Cupid

To mark the 200th anniversary of the sculptor Ridolfo Schadow's passing, one of the artist's ideas is being realized for the first time as part of a special presentation in the vestibule of the New Wing of Charlottenburg Palace. moreabout: Ridolfo Schadow: The Judgment of Cupid

The historical site "Topography of Terror

The tour of the site comprises 15 stations and is designed to complement the permanent exhibition "Topography of Terror" in the building. It attempts to introduce the visitor to the history of the site at the immediate location. Information desks with... moreabout: The historical site "Topography of Terror

Rico Puhlmann – Berlin/New York

Rico Puhlmann (1934–96) was one of the most internationally renowned fashion photographers of his time, heavily influencing our image of fashion in his era. Having started out as a successful child actor in films, Puhlmann got his first chance in the... moreabout: Rico Puhlmann – Berlin/New York

The silver chamber of the Hohenzollerns

The treasures from the Hohenzollern silver chamber and the famous tabatières of Frederick the Great are on display in a unique presentation at Charlottenburg Palace. moreabout: The silver chamber of the Hohenzollerns

Just the younger sister?

The history of the French Church parishes in Berlin and Potsdam has so far only been considered separately. Yet there are numerous connections between the two. This will be told using the life stories of Potsdam parishioners. For example, the Berlin-born... moreabout: Just the younger sister?

Eighteen - What is it like to grow up today?

This exhibition focuses on the young generation in our society and uses various art forms to approach the question of what concerns young people today. moreabout: Eighteen - What is it like to grow up today?

Wunderkammer #2

As part of the »more than human«–project, the concept of the “Kunst- und Wunderkammer” is to be reactivated in order to recontextualise objects from the collections of the Kunstgewerbemuseum with contemporary design and art projects, prototypes and other... moreabout: Wunderkammer #2

Neuzugänge der Spandauer Kunstsammlung

In the ZAK lounge we are showing the new additions to the Spandau art collection with works by Nasan Tur, Chloe Sherman, Anna Werkmeister, Sabine Herrmann, Doris Hinzen-Röhrig, Karen Scheper, Margareta Hesse, Carsten Borck, Deborah S. Philipps, Jase Kala... moreabout: Neuzugänge der Spandauer Kunstsammlung

Berlin salon

Some 200 years ago, the journalist Ludwig Börne noted with astonishment on a visit to Berlin: "People of the most diverse kinds are so mixed here that you often find them in places where you wouldn't expect them." And he was right. In Berlin, even then,... moreabout: Berlin salon

Built not just on sand

The exhibition shows how closely the history of Spandaus is connected to the St. Nikolai Church. St. Nikolai is not only an almost 800-year-old building on a sandy island at the confluence of the Spree and Havel rivers. People from the parish help to... moreabout: Built not just on sand

In forced community.

The exhibition is dedicated to a hitherto little researched topic and takes a look at the living and working conditions of the women and men employed in the commandos. With their work, they had to help maintain the supply, operation and upkeep of the... moreabout: In forced community.

The Century of Displacement - A European history of forced migrations from the 20th century to our time

The exhibition depicts a European history of forced migrations from the20th century to our own time. The focus is on the flight and expulsion of around 14 million Germans in the historical context of the Second World War and National Socialist policies. moreabout: The Century of Displacement - A European history of forced migrations from the 20th century to our time

New in scene

This newly conceived and revised permanent exhibition focuses on Frederick the Great (1712-1786) as the builder of the New Wing and presents the important monarch of Prussian-German and European history beyond the usual clichés. The project is made possible... moreabout: New in scene

Lygia Clark: Retrospective

Beginning in May 2025, the Neue Nationalgalerie will show Brazilian artist Lygia Clark’s first retrospective in Germany. With around 150 artworks, the comprehensive show will present her oeuvre from the 1950s to the 1980s, ranging from geometric-abstract... moreabout: Lygia Clark: Retrospective

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