Forced Labor in Berlin 1938-1945
Who were the people who had to perform forced labor in Berlin, where did they come from, and under what conditions did they have to live and work? moreabout: Forced Labor in Berlin 1938-1945
Dates, information and advance booking of tickets for almost all events in Berlin. For many performances you can choose your seat in the seating plan.
100+ events
Who were the people who had to perform forced labor in Berlin, where did they come from, and under what conditions did they have to live and work? moreabout: Forced Labor in Berlin 1938-1945
Reinhard Heydrich (1904–1942) had a rapid career in the Nazi state. In just a few years, he rose under Heinrich Himmler to become the most powerful man in the surveillance and persecution apparatus of the SS and police. During World War II, he was a key... moreabout: Reinhard Heydrich. Career and Violence
Why and in what way did the Stasi store and process all the information? Why do the files still exist today, what do they contain and what can they show? moreabout: Insight into the secret
2025 marks the 650th anniversary of Britz's first documented mention. A reason to celebrate, but also an occasion for reflection. The Kulturstiftung Schloss Britz sees the anniversary as an opportunity to look at Britz's past and at the same time to explore... moreabout: Picture and plan – 650 years of Britz
The unicorn has stimulated the imagination like no other animal. It has been documented in many cultures for centuries. Its fascination continues to this day. moreabout: Unicorn: The Mythical Beast in Art
The studio exhibition showcases the state-of-the-art in international communication design, from posters and books to online projects, commercials, and packaging design. This year’s focus is on the 65 best works from the 2024 competition, selected by... moreabout: Best Brands & Communication Design. Red Dot Winners Selection 2024
The Football Route Berlin leads to 40 authentic locations in the urban space, makes the unique football history of the capital city tangible and informs about sport, cultural and urban historical contexts. It shows the great importance of football in... moreabout: Football Route Berlin
At the start of the 1960s, not even 20 years after the abyss of the Holocaust, the American-Jewish photographer Leonard Freed (1929‒2006) spent several months traveling through West Germany. He wanted to use his camera to capture how German Jews were... moreabout: German Jews Today
In May 2019, a newly revised exhibition on the history of urban life and living in Spandau opened on the upper floor of the Gothic House. moreabout: Gothic house - Life in the city
The exhibition is dedicated to the work of Prof. Dr. Wolf R. Eisentraut on the occasion of his 80th birthday. His "dual" life as an architect, in the GDR and in united Germany, is characterized by his commitment to building and building culture. Whether... moreabout: Twofold was the pleasure of building
The history of paper goes back more than 2,000 years to ancient China, where a method for making paper was developed around 200 BC. Discover in the exhibition how paper and its different manufacturing processes spread from Asia across the world. The... moreabout: Paper Technology
Curator: Kathrin Becker Samuel Fosso (* 1962 in Kumba, Cameroon, lives in Bangui, Central African Republic and Paris, France) is one of Africa’s most renowned photographic artists. In his theatrical self-portraits, he adapts iconic images of historical... moreabout: Samuel Fosso. Black Pope. Werke 1975 – 2017
Since 2012, the museum has been presenting its art historical research as well as its urban and everyday history collection in the Villa Oppenheim near Charlottenburg Palace. moreabout: West!
How did post-war societies process the experience of violence and annihilation caused by the Second World War and the forcible occupation of large parts of Europe by National Socialist Germany? A previously overlooked, but historically influential form... moreabout: On Displaying Violence. First Exhibitions on the Nazi Occupation in Europe, 1945-1948
Candida Höfer’s oeuvre has developed over five decades and is part of today’s photographic avant-garde. Her large-format works depict public and semi-public spaces like historical libraries, archives, storage facilities, palaces, museums, opera houses,... moreabout: Candida Höfer. Käthe Kollwitz Prize 2024
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