Berliner Geschichte(n) kompakt
Price: €10.00 Reduced price: €3.00 moreabout: Berliner Geschichte(n) kompakt
- Date:
- Sunday, 26/January/2025 14:00
- Venue:
- Museum Ephraim-Palais
- Address:
- Poststraße 16, 10178 Berlin-Mitte
Dates, information and advance booking of tickets for almost all events in Berlin. For many performances you can choose your seat in the seating plan.
100+ events
Price: €10.00 Reduced price: €3.00 moreabout: Berliner Geschichte(n) kompakt
Meeting point: Information Price info: 0 € plus admission Price: €0.00 moreabout: Overview Tours: Hamburger Bahnhof
Experienced art educators provide an insight into the current exhibitions and delve deeper into individual aspects of the exhibits on display.Translated with DeepL Price info: Please also book the appropriate ticket separately.Price 6 euros plus admission Price:... moreabout: Public guided tour
During the tour of the former border strip, the consequences of the construction of the Wall are illustrated using Bernauer Strasse as an example. Blind and visually impaired people experience the historical site with the help of auditory and tactile... moreabout: Bernauer Strasse after the Wall was built - tactile tour
To the complete summer program 2024 of the Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin. Meeting point: Haus Bastian Price: €10.00 Booking: booking/prior registration essential moreabout: Lebendige Muster: Ein Spiel mit Licht und Schatten
Meeting point: information Price: €6.00 moreabout: Feurige Spektakel!
To the complete summer program 2024 of the Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin. Meeting point: Kasse Price: €10.00 Booking: booking/prior registration essential moreabout: Mode zeichnen!
What is an artist book? What makes these books so special? For the 80th birthday of collector Egidio Marzona, 80 very first books by 80 artists from the 1960s and 1970s are presented. These artist's books reflect the significant artistic upheaval associated... moreabout: A to Y – Artist books from the Marzona Collection (in English)
Price info: 0 € plus admission Price: €0.00 Booking: no booking/prior registration required moreabout: SCHINKEL AND THE SCULPTORS
Experienced art educators give insights into our current exhibitions and focus on key aspects of the works on display.Translated with DeepL Price info: Please book the appropriate ticket separately.Price: 6 euros plus admission Price: €6.00 moreabout: Public Tour in English
A unique picture was presented by the Grotto Hall on Christmas Eve. The candlelight from the chandeliers and wall branches made the walls decorated with crystals and precious stones sparkle. In the Garden Hall, designed by Frederick the Great in the 18th... moreabout: Imperial Christmas
On the tour the new exhibitions are presented. There you can see many things from Asia, West Africa, Australia and islands in the Pacific. For example, masks, jewelry, vases or boats. The tour tells how the things were made and used. It is talked about... moreabout: Without Impairment: Why are things from all over the world in Berlin? Tandem tour in simple language
© Staatliche Museen zu Berlin / Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss, Foto: Alexander Schippel
Simply explore the Ethnological Museum and the Museum of Asian Art! Together with mediators, wander through the newly furnished exhibition rooms and discover selected objects. The topics change. - 5.00EUR per person - Please book your ticket in advance... moreabout: Global Ramblings at the Museum für Asiatische Kunst
Meeting point: information Price info: 10/15 € Booking: booking/prior registration essential moreabout: Denk mal im Quadrat!
To the complete summer program 2024 of the Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin. Meeting point: Haus Bastian Price: €10.00 Booking: booking/prior registration essential moreabout: Mehr als die Summe der Teile – Mobiles
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