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100+ events

Castle and citadel

In the representative rooms of the commandant's house, an exhibition presents the history of the castle and fortress. It is the ideal starting point for any citadel exploration. All explanatory texts can be read in both German and English. moreabout: Castle and citadel

Group Eva Mamlok - Stories of Resistance

In the early 1930s, there were already courageous young women who resisted National Socialism in Berlin-Kreuzberg. Eva Mamlok, a teenager from a Jewish family, initially stood up to National Socialism alone, later together with other women, in everyday... moreabout: Group Eva Mamlok - Stories of Resistance

Camille Claudel and Bernhard Hoetger

Die Ausstellung in der Alten Nationalgalerie führt erstmals seit 1905 die Werke zweier Künstler*innen-Persönlichkeiten zusammen, deren Werk und Wege sich in Paris mehrmals kreuzten: Camille Claudel (1864–1943) und Bernhard Hoetger (1874–1949). Beide vereint... moreabout: Camille Claudel and Bernhard Hoetger

Off to Italy!

in 2024, the Liebermann Villa on Wannsee presents for the first time Max Liebermann's eventful relationship with Italy and its cultural landscape with a focus on his "Italian" works, his exhibition participations there, and the reception that took place. At... moreabout: Off to Italy!

Permanent Exhibition

The permanent exhibition presents the history of the Huguenots in Berlin and Brandenburg from the beginning to the present in a contemporary manner. The focus is on the integration into the pan-European migration as a result of the Reformation, the causes... moreabout: Permanent Exhibition

John Kolya Reichart: Immer wieder mittwochs

As part of its 150th anniversary, the Church of the Twelve Apostles in Berlin-Schöneberg is showing the photo exhibition. The pictures document a place of encounter at eye level. moreabout: John Kolya Reichart: Immer wieder mittwochs

Next date:
Opening of the exhibition
until 05/09/2024
An der Apostelkirche, 10783 Berlin-Schöneberg

Witold Pilecki. Im Widerstand gegen Hitler und Stalin.

Der Überfall der deutschen Wehrmacht auf Polen 1939 ändert alles. Witold Pilecki ist 38 Jahre alt, als der Zweite Weltkrieg beginnt. moreabout: Witold Pilecki. Im Widerstand gegen Hitler und Stalin.

Alona Harpaz: Future breeze

Alona Harpaz's exhibition features not only her mostly colorful paintings, but also installations and a short film trilogy she created. moreabout: Alona Harpaz: Future breeze

Museum of urban history

The armoury of the citadel is home to the Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Spandau. The permanent exhibition on the ground floor gives an overview of the history of Spandau. More than 300 objects tell of the settlement and development of the Havel city, which... moreabout: Museum of urban history

Profitopolis or the Condition of the City

The Werkbundarchiv – Museum der Dinge is marking the situation – namely the termination of its tenancy in Kreuzberg by a real estate fund and its enforced relocation – with its first special exhibition on the theme of the city. moreabout: Profitopolis or the Condition of the City

Jacob Morenga" Solidarity Station

From 1978 to 1991, over 800 people from almost 40 countries received medical treatment in East Berlin at the so-called Solidarity Ward in the Berlin-Buch Municipal Hospital. The patients were wounded fighters or political activists from socialist-oriented... moreabout: Jacob Morenga" Solidarity Station

Turbo Global

The effects of turbo capitalism in a specifically Irish context are the central theme of the group exhibition. Ireland and the new capitalism in Europe are almost synonymous. In the period of the "Celtic Tiger", the economic boom from the mid-1990s until... moreabout: Turbo Global


THE LEAP Experience the world-famous jump, take a real journey through time, be the border soldier jumping over the barbed wire when the wall was built, be the photographer who captures the moment in the iconic photo... which is still history today as... moreabout: THE LEAP

Revolving stage Berlin

After Christine Nöstlinger and Antonio Saura. A surrealistic family drama. When the painter Antonio wants to paint a picture, he experiences a surprise: his work of art suddenly begins to come to life. The life-hungry Pinocchio has little desire to go... moreabout: Revolving stage Berlin

Ausstellungsschiff MS Wissenschaft 2024: Freiheit

Mitte Mai eröffnet die MS Wissenschaft ihre diesjährige Tour. Rund 30 interaktive Exponate laden die Besucherinnen und Besucher ein, sich mit verschiedenen Facetten von Freiheit auseinanderzusetzen. moreabout: Ausstellungsschiff MS Wissenschaft 2024: Freiheit

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